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[EXPECTED BEHAVIOR] Text wrapping not working in lines (Has anybody else seen this?)

  • 25 November 2022
  • 6 replies

Description: When adding text to lines, the text wrapping does not function properly. It goes over the edge and extends past where the "text box" should be. For reference, when I first created this board and for many weeks / months after, it worked perfectly. Randomly, it stopped working.


Here's an image of it not working:

When I update anything on it (for example, let's say I remove that period or add a word), it'll fix it self, shown here:



However, once I refresh the miro board (in browser) it will go back to the broken version. Some more context:

  • Tested in incognito mode, still broken
  • Tested in both Chrome and Firefox, still broken
  • I work in browser, not desktop app
  • Duplicated the board, still broken

For specifics, I am using a Windows PC on Windows 10, and am using Google Chrome (Version 107.0.5304.107 (Official Build) (64-bit))

Here is the miro board btw:


6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Tri Nguyen - I am seeing this same, unexpected behaviour.

I copied your board content to one of my own boards and after going into edit mode a few times, I was able to make the text look like it does while in edit mode, i.e., not wrapped:


I will open a support ticket and report back here with what the support team tells me.

@Robert Johnson thank you so much for looking into this!

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Update #1 from Miro support:

Thanks for the report!
I am experiencing the same issue in my testing; I believe this may be related to a bug on our end that causes this behavior. The good news is that the team is already aware of the issue and is currently working on a fix for it.

We'll definitely keep you updated on the progress. Please, bear with us! 

Thanks for the update, looking forward to the fix!

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Update #2 from Miro support:

I wanted to reach out about your text wrapping in lines issue. At the moment this is actually expected behavior. We are aware that it is not ideal though and will likely make updates to improve it at a later time, but it is not on our calendar currently. If you are having trouble you can add a space to prevent a linebreak.

Thanks @Robert Johnson for the update! Looks like adding a space doesn’t prevent the issue from happening, but thanks for looking into it for me! Hoping this is fixed one day
