Engagement problems: Zoom

  • 16 January 2023
  • 2 replies


When I have a lot of images and my workspace is quite large, it happens to me that every time I use the zoom the board becomes slow.

At first, I thought it might be because of the number of images, but it has been more than a year that I work with the platform with the same amount of elements and I have this problem for maybe 2 months, with the new boards.


Someone had the same problem?

2 replies

Userlevel 1

I have a similar problem.

For my Online Meetings I use

  • streamdeck
  • Companion
  • OBS Studio
  • zomm

I launchend them one by one and checked the board speed. Everything is working well until zoom started. Then the boardspeed broke down. Especially frames with a lot of pdf filse are very slow. 

Even when I close zoom completely (in the menubar) the problem still lasts.

For having a NVIDIA card and an inboard graphic card, I tried seperating them.

  • zoom - nvidia
  • miro - lokal

No changes.

Greetings Jan


Userlevel 1


I changed the setting

  • zoom - lokal card UHD 630
  • miro - NVIDIA GTX 1650

seemed to work

Greetings Jan
