Embed slides in other boards - real-time executive summary capability

As a group product manager, I need to be able to curate visual roadmap and strategy elements from each of my teams to create an executive summary for my stakeholders.
This quickly gets out of date if I have to copy and paste or screenshot from their Miro boards into mine.
Having this capability to display frames from other boards in another board would help with keeping a single source of truth and address the document sprawl issues that arise with a large org using Miro.

It would also allow you to create a project board that curates from other boards - today I solve that by having my teams keep a shell confluence page with Jira epic links and Miro links and a light project description so we can link all the things together later in a structured way when we need to go back and remember what we did and why.

4 replies

Userlevel 5
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HI @Lisa Pieterse This is really interesting, you can embed Miro board in other boards.. and show a part of it to other users. 


But that could also be interesting to embed some frames in other boards as you say.. in a same team Miro account.. ! 

@Robert Johnson @Kiron Bondale How can we put that idea in the wishlist?

Userlevel 3

@Lisa Pieterse Really interesting to hear how others are using / experimenting with these features.

I have been experimenting with something similar to solve a few issues. Recently I was setting up around 15 copies of a board for clients but was struggling to find a way of providing each with “in board” announcements and updates. I used a board embed plug-in which didn’t quite work as intended as I hadn’t quite mastered the best way to get it to open on a given Frame or to appear as open automatically (I don’t think it does that but good, in some cases, if it could). 

In my most recent piece I have created 6 or so boards for “small group” sessions and brought them in to my main board using embeds, this allows us to view each “small group” board in turn when needed. This maintains the integrity of each groups work, and if team members of a group update their board we see it without danger that in doing their update they accidentally upset some aspect of another group or  the facilitators master board. 

How are others using these features?

Thanks @DavidB. 

@Véronique Carbonneau - I have not found how you show just part of an embedded board.
Is this a plug-in as well? 

Userlevel 3

@Lisa Pieterse You can set a start view and sharing for the embedded board when you create and copy the “get embed code” within the Sharing menu.

If there is a specific single asset you want to focus on then editing the iframe code to have that item as the source (from its link found by right clicking) might focus you in on that object more closely. e.g. 

<iframe width="768" height="432" src="https://miro.com/app/board/whatever_your_asset_URL_is>" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" ></iframe>

seems to allow you to centre the embedded board on that asset. 

I need to experiment further for my own use case, but hopefully that is of some help.
