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Let’s say I’m on a consulting plan and want to provide access to my boards to some of my clients via day passes:

Is it possible to give them access to my boards as editors without the need that they create a Miro account or registration in general?

Background: I’m living in a country where data privacy is an important concern. So some of my clients are concerned about registering for your platform and would like to completely avoid this. Technically, I’m thinking about sharing links with corresponding access rights (like Google or OneDrive does it) where my clients just need to enter their names. Is this or any other solution possible in Miro?

I have exactly the same question and found this:

We’re evaluating Miro as a collaboration tool, and this feature is crucial for the decision. Would be nice to get some feedback.

FYI: @Dominik Dürst , that feature is in beta so not all accounts get it.

Hi there, just in case I want to share our Security page and the Privacy Policy - this is because of the mentioned data privacy concern.

The feature with external editors is still in beta, thanks @Rico Trevisan :wink:

I need it too.  Indeed, Miro (Tony in LA) convinced me to buy up from the free plan specifically because this was available.  Now I see it is not available for me.  WTH? 


When i hit the share button, I can choose “Can edit” in the anyone with the link section. I have a consultant account. Now anyone with the link can edit. They do not need a miro account. The users get random guest accounts with a generated name. You can see registered users with their normal names.

I love it. Solves many of my problems. But this is still a beta feature and not everyone has it, but you can probably ask support to include you there.

Bets regards



When i hit the share button, I can choose “Can edit” in the anyone with the link section. I have a consultant account. Now anyone with the link can edit. They do not need a miro account. The users get random guest accounts with a generated name. You can see registered users with their normal names.

I love it. Solves many of my problems. But this is still a beta feature and not everyone has it, but you can probably ask support to include you there.

Bets regards


\So. does it mean that if I buy a Consultant plan I'll be able to invite ass many people as I wish and they can edit the board without being added to my team? Will I need to pay for them in this case?


for me and for my clients this is a good step 


not the step I like to go with them.

If you remember days ago ZOOM had exactly a problem because of a for everyone open setting.

Hackers hijacked into their system and put into a video settings porn and other stuff …

If miro where a plattform with only 100 or 1000 users I would say:
No problem - share an open link.

miro is a plattform with 4.5 million users.

It is only a question of time that a open link gets hacked by someone.

It has to be something between:
User-Registration on the miro plattform and an open - for everyone who gets the link solution.

Why not offering the same as zoom - after they hacking szenario - offering now:

You get the link with a password.

This is the solution for everyone.

@English Teacher : Yes you can invite as many as you can. But this was exactly the background of the ZOOM-Hacking-Scenario days ago:
A teacher and his pupils and an open-linked conversation.

For me this setting - as good as it seems from saving money-aspects - is a no go.
The reputation I will loose because my data gets hacked is a bigger catastrophy for me then a registration as new user for invited people on the miro plattform.

@Markus Harrer : Yes you are right - for a customer I wish a more userfriedly solution - I am 100% with you. We need something more userfriedly with no registration on the miro-site
Even for someone who only can comment or view. Even there is no board setting with a password possible. This should be added as a feature, too. 



\So. does it mean that if I buy a Consultant plan I'll be able to invite ass many people as I wish and they can edit the board without being added to my team? Will I need to pay for them in this case?


Yes, you can, and its without extra charge as far as i can tell by now. But anyone with the link can edit then. What i do, i send the link to the people and only grant access for the time they need to work on it. After that i reset it to view or private.

If i really need privacy, i pay for the day pass. 

But an option with a password would be a tiny bit better.


Best regards

The thing is that i have lots of people who come and go to and from our board ecery month and  the main need is to have lots of people with granted editing access like in free account + to be able to create templates. That's all we need. But we're unable to pay 3 dollars per user per day because it's not much it's a humongous amount of money every month but we are a group of 2 people getting like 2-5 dollars from teachers with whom we share our ready and go games and worksheets, teachers won’t pay us 3*30 dollars a month neither. Is there a way to invite many people with editing option + creating templates?

I moved away from Miro. I’ve found another solution that allows link sharing with password as well as named guests without the need for paying / registering and provides hosting in Germany. I don’t think that I am allowed to post the link to the solution here, but I can say that it has another “concept” for a “board”.

Hi Markus and the rest of us,

don’t get me wrong - shure I do not like you moved away from miro because it offers a lot.

I like that you point out here again:

We need a register-free solution (for our clients) with a password based login after we invited them like I mentioned it here:

My clients are invited to join my miro-plattform to work on a solution, just like i invite someone to a zoom meeting.

When I am invited to a zoom meeting by someone else I have not to have make a decision wich zoom plan I would like to use - this should be the same for the clients I invite to my miro meetings.


I need it too.  Indeed, Miro (Tony in LA) convinced me to buy up from the free plan specifically because this was available.  Now I see it is not available for me.  WTH? 


I’m in the same situation, I upgraded to consultant specifically because of the Collaboration-with-External-Guest-Editors option only to found out I don’t have access to it. I even have more constraints now from the free plan because I can’t have anybody edit the boards.
Hope to be able to use this “option” ASAP.


Hi Leo,

please would you contact 

I am sure they will help you.


I did, thank you for the advice. Apparently they received a lot of request so there might be a delay. Hope that won’t be too much though.

I got an answer that this function will be available to all customers tomorrow. 


Hi Léo,

thanks for this information.
So everyone knows that tomorrow the wait is over. :drum::boom:


I also have the consultant plan, but the “Public link guest contributor function” is still not working. I can choose “Can edit” (Beta) but it will not give people using the link any editor possibilities (it seems like it stuck in view or commenting functionality) no sticky notes or anything at all. I am a bit frustrated because the expectations were so high. 
Anybody that can suggest a workaround? I would really like to use Miro in an upcoming remote workshop after lying all this work into preparations It would be sufficient that the participants could create sticky notes, figures and text. I still would like to use voting and the timer functions.

@Terje Bach :

Just try it again it should work now


Just for the record: I’m back on Miro since this feature has gone beta. Works great! Thanks, Miro! It really makes my life as lecturer more easy! :grinning::thumbsup:
