@Jaye Infanger -
Did you extract all the pages from the PDF? If you don’t then, yes, all Miro objects would just sit on top of the “image” of the PDF regardless of which page you are looking at. Once you extract the pages you can then markup each separately.
I’m having the same problem but I tutor kids in grades 1-6 with dyslexia (and 3 of my students have significant ADHD). I want us both to be able to write on each page of the pdf (I was able to do this in AwwApp).
I would like to be able to update a 90 page pdf, skip ahead to a specific page that I want, and not have the student distracted by all 90 pages spread out on the board. I also don’t want to have to keep creating frames for each page.
@Will Patterson -
Unfortunately, I can’t think of a good workaround for your use case so I’d recommend opening a wish list topic related to this following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know
| Miro
@Will Patterson I also do remote tutoring for kids with dyslexia and was moved to Miro from AWW. I’m finding this move very frustrating as Miro doesn’t seem to do what I need it to do and what AWW could do!
Like you, I import big, multipage documents for us to use in our sessions. Have you figured out a solution to your questions above? I can’t even figure out how to change pages on my end and have them change on the kid’s end too. Bring everyone to me doesn’t seem to change the page and even if it did, I don’t want to have to “bring everyone to me” every time I change the page as some of the pages are meant to be quick flashcard like pages that I want to move through quickly! Have you figured out how to manage that?
Ugh! I just want Miro to be able to do what AWW could do; otherwise, it is not a good replacement for AWW. Feeling defeated and would appreciate any help!
@florence cannon I’ve pretty much decided to make the switch to Scribblar. I tried writing to people at Miro to see if they would create features that would work, but I think they are headed in a different direction with their product. Scribblar’s developers have written back to me and are incorporating one feature I asked for. They seem very responsive and willing to take the time to answer questions.
I know some other teachers that are using whiteboard.chat and another using classkick. I’ve heard of others going other directions, but Scribblar seems the simplest and most like AwwApp to me.
Just seconding this. I’m more than a bit unhappy as I’ve been using AWWAPP and you (Miro) bought AWW APP out and seem to plan to kill the most useful functionality from a tutoring perspective: being able to move page by page through PDFS, mark up each page, and export.
That functionality is KEY to tutoring and online collaboration with multi-page PDFs. I have no use for MIRO otherwise. Bummer. It took me a year to find something with the versatility of AWWAPP. I’d be glad to hear if Miro plans to update the ability to annotate multi-page PDFS. If not, I’d be glad to hear from others on this chat if there are other collaborative platforms that provide the appropriate kind of option.