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Hello - I am a “free” board owner.  Until about a week ago everything was fine. Then the controls disappeared. Yes, I have followed all the suggestions from others (including incognito, alternative browser etc) and still there are no controls.  This board has been shared with a colleague who does have full control.

I have been considering upgrading to the paid version but from this experience am more than a little concerned about the stability of Miro.

Looking forward to some additional suggestions to help ease back my high grump index.

I’d certainly welcome any suggestions as to how this problem may be addressed.

@JohnK - Did your board look like this?

Source: This post.

If so, the issue should have been resolved.

If that was not your issue, a screenshot of what you are seeing may help.

Thanks for getting back Robert --- the screen is like this:

The down chevron simply move the controls down a smidgeon and top chevrons appear -- click that and the left margin goes up again.



@JohnK - Thanks for sharing - that helps.

This is likely due to either a really small physical display (e.g., a small monitor or laptop screen) or your displays resolution is too low (or your browser window is not maximized).

See this post for an example of how not all app/tools will display when your displayable space is small:

You nailed it Robert --- it was a matter of maximizing the browser’s window.

Many thanks for your assistance for resolving this tricky and irritating problem.

May the force be with you.



@JohnK - Thanks for sharing - that helps.

This is likely due to either a really small physical display (e.g., a small monitor or laptop screen) or your displays resolution is too low (or your browser window is not maximized).

See this post for an example of how not all app/tools will display when your displayable space is small: doodle cricket

I sincerely appreciate your help in overcoming this challenging and annoying issue.
