@Andy Lomerson - If you would like to see an option to disable zooming to a frame that you have selected in the frames sidebar, I’d recommend adding this as an Idea in the Wish List category by following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know.
If you do create a Wish List Idea post, I would also recommend that you post a link to it back here, so that future readers of this post can quickly get to and vote for your Idea.
This needs to have an option to disable it. Again, do you guys use your own product?
That may explain why it's not consistent behavior. I'll test with the sidebar open/closed.
If that's the case, I wish there was an option to disable the feature. Having the sidebar open is convenient to move around, and we should not change the behavior of the board if the sidebar is open or closed.
@Valerio Zanini - Thanks for the sharing the video. I am guessing this only happens when you have the sidebar open?
Upon some testing, I note that when I click on a frame when the sidebar is open, the selected frame is also highlighted in the sidebar. This leads me to believe that the zoom behaviour (to fit the frame to the viewable area of the board) is intentional as the user may be wanting to view the frame in its entirety as they arrange the frames order, e.g., in preparation of a workshop. Personally, I have never noticed this before, however, I don’t usually work with the sidebar open, so the the functionality could have existed for a while or is relatively new.
If you have a paid subscription, you could open a support ticket to inquire further about this.
It’s not from the frames sidebar, it’s from the main board area. It’s quite random, sometimes it does it, sometimes it does not. And then it starts doing it again. Quite painful. You click on the border of any frame (for example because you want to move it, or because you want to resize it) and the UI zooms in/out automatically to fill the screen with that frame.
I’ve recorded a video here:
@Valerio Zanini - Are you selecting a Frame from the frames sidebar? If so, zooming to the frame has been the expected behaviour for as long as I can remember.
However, if you are opening a board and selecting/left-clicking/tapping a frame and the board is zooming to fit the frame to the screen, then I have never seen this. If this is the case, can you share a screen recording of this in action? Loom is free and easy to use and share a recording.