Copy as image inconsistency

  • 30 August 2022
  • 4 replies

So we've been working on a board today and discovered there is a HUGE difference in quality using the ‘copy as image’- feature between MacOS and Windows (both using the Miro App). We've both copied the same frame and here you see the difference. Above is Windows, below is MacOS. Dear Miro do you have any idea what is going on here and how to solve this? Is there something I can do on Windows to get the same quality?

4 replies

To solve this problem the community needs more information.

  1. Are you pressing the print screen button to get these images in windows?
  2. Are you using the snipping tool?
  3. Do you get the same result with alt printscreen?
  4. Are you using multiple monitors?
  5. Have you experimented with third-party screen capture tools which let you set the default resolution?
Userlevel 7
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@Max Thibodeaux - From the ‘copy as image’ name, I assume @Serious Gamer Eddy is referring to the beta Copy as image feature:


Userlevel 7
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@Serious Gamer Eddy - If you have a paid subscription, have you opened a support ticket with Miro?

@Robert Johnson I'm indeed referring to this feature. I have not yet made a support ticket. Thanks for the link. Will do so.
