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Hey miro Community,

Let’s image that I am planning to get a consultant plan miro account and I want to collaborate on miro boards of my client who has a miro Free Plan team. The client already has more than 3 boards and the board I am invited to is not editable because only the three most recently created boards are editable in the Free Plan.

How can I collaborate on the non-editable board with my client? Is it enough to have a Consultant account or does the client need to upgrade (which is unlikely in the near future)?



Thanks @Robert Johnson !  I think it was your comment :

Miro needed a term to differentiate between a team member/non-team member, so they went with Guests. 

that caused me some confusion. Understood, I’ll just remember in my head that a “guest” is just that a non-team member invited to my board and “visitor” is a “public user” non-team member invited to my board.  Easier for me.  And I did understand that “guests” have to have accounts and “visitors” (public users) can enter in with just a link. Really do appreciate the time you took.

Since in my case I want to avoir public access and this person is going to be a regular client, I need them to be a guest.  I just wanted to avoid them having to create an account, but see that that isn’t possibly for now.

@JL888 - One last thing to clarify: 

So in my case, my guest will be a member of my team & needs their own account. 

Guests are not a member of your team. You are simply adding other Miro account holders as editors to a board, and not your team. They will not be able to see any of your other boards, projects, or create boards in your team.

To show you what to expect, I will add you as a Guest to a board in my team. You will then see a new team icon in your dashboard (I added my profile picture as the team icon), and when you click on the team, you will see one board, but will not be a member of my team and cannot create boards in my team  - you are only a Guest and not consuming a paid license/seat on my team.

@Robert Johnson Thanks!  Got it!  So in my case, my guest will be a member of my team & needs their own account.  Appreciate the time and patience.


You brought up another question, so a “guest” is a member?  I thought a team member is NOT a guest nor a visitor and they (team members) are solely paid (not free) members of a consultant or company plan. 

Every registered Miro account holder must be a member of at least one team - this is s system rule. For example, if you are a member of only one team and you leave that team, then Miro will prompt you to create a either a paid or free team.

So, a guest is a registered Miro account holder who is editing a board that

  1. is not set to public/visitor/anyone with the link/non-Miro account holder and
  2. does not reside in their own team.


I just want to make sure that I understood that guests must have an account (free one at the least) to edit a board under my consultant plan?

This is correct.

That’s not really a “guest” then. 

Call it whatever you want - this isn’t the place to argue over semantics. “Guests” sounds better than editor-who-is-not-a-member-of-the-team-where-the-board-resides, right?

Hello and thanks for confirming what you said.  I wasn’t arguing over semantics, I wanted to understand the difference between “guests” and “visitors” (and that is the semantic problem that I didn’t create, to someone not yet familiar with Miro’s terms, as they are synonyms).  Both are non team members, so it causes confusion.  You helped to understand the difference; however, Miro might review our discussions and see that this can cause for confusion, especially if not clearly explained (at purchase) or in the training (which I searched, watched and did not see this distinction as clear as you made here.)  As someone who worked in app development terms are essential to ease of use and “public” account would be better that visitor if you’re going to have a guest account.

Miro needed a term to differentiate between a team member/non-team member, so they went with Guests. 

You brought up another question, so a “guest” is a member?  I thought a team member is NOT a guest nor a visitor and they (team members) are solely paid (not free) members of a consultant or company plan. 


I just want to make sure that I understood that guests must have an account (free one at the least) to edit a board under my consultant plan?

This is correct.

That’s not really a “guest” then. 

Call it whatever you want - this isn’t the place to argue over semantics. “Guests” sounds better than editor-who-is-not-a-member-of-the-team-where-the-board-resides, right?

Miro needed a term to differentiate between a team member/non-team member, so they went with Guests.


I just want to make sure that I understood that guests must have an account (free one at the least) to edit a board under my consultant plan?  That’s not really a “guest” then. Why is this?  Glad you @Robert Johnson mentioned it because I’ve been wondering why she couldn’t access my board.

@Marco Wedekind 

And that should not be a problem as I can put it into a client specific team in my Miro account thus hiding it from other clients.


Ah cool. That should work. I guess I only need to clarify with my client if moving their IP (i.e. their board) to my own space is ok with them. And that should not be a problem as I can put it into a client specific team in my miro account thus hiding it from other clients.

Many thanks to everybody contributing here. You helped me solve my question in record time. Now I can start using miro as a fun and very effective tool with my new client as well 🚀

@Marco Wedekind - If a board is set to VIEW-ONLY because it not meeting the “editable board” criteria, then you could do the following to get a copy of the board into your Consultant Plan:

  1. Make sure you a member of their Free Plan team
  2. Duplicate the VIEW-ONLY board, making the duplicate a new board and therefore editable and you the owner.
  3. Now that you are the owner of the new board, you can use the Move to team action to move the board to your Consultant Plan.
  4. From there you could edit it and invite any of the Free Plan team members to be Guests of the new board.

Hallo Marco,

das geht … hatte ich genau so, wie Du beschrieben hast:

Ich = Consultant Account

Klienten = gar keinen oder Free Account

Du kannst immer Klienten auf Dein Board einladen … (auch wenn  die keinen Account haben) ABER:

DSGVO daher kannst Du keine klientenbezogenen und persönlichen Daten auf Deinem Board speichern (konsultiere diesbezüglich bitte einen spezialisierten Anwalt)  … daher bin ich zur Konkurrenz gewechselt …

Mehr per PN

Viele Grüße


Hi Michael,

cool, thanks for your fast reply and clarification. Only thing is: I need to be able to work on the client’s existing boards. And those are not edible due to the Free Plans limitation of only the last three created boards being edible. How can I still edit my clients boards? Having my client share the board with my Consultant account? In this case the DSVGO topic should be covered as well. Do you know if that works? In that case I would just buy a Consultant account.



@Marco Wedekind - In addition to @mlanders‘s, I will add that with the Consultant Plan you would have two ways to invite your clients to collaborate on your boards for free:

  1. Visitors - Can be used for both those who do and do not have a Miro account. This is also sometimes called public or anonymous access. Come drawbacks to this method of access:
    1. The board is accessible to anyone with the link (and password, if one was set).
    2. You cannot set different access levels, e.g., one of your client’s employees needs to edit the board, while another should only be able to view or comment on it.
  2. Guests - With this access, your client will need a Miro account profile - paid*, education, or free will work. This method also eliminates the drawbacks of the Visitors method.
    *If your client already uses Miro and has the Enterprise Plan, it is possible you could run into a situation similar to this user. The organization they were working with had blocked access to Miro boards outside of their own boards - this may be possible to do for Business Plan users too.

Hallo Marco,

das geht … hatte ich genau so, wie Du beschrieben hast:

Ich = Consultant Account

Klienten = gar keinen oder Free Account

Du kannst immer Klienten auf Dein Board einladen … (auch wenn  die keinen Account haben) ABER:

DSGVO daher kannst Du keine klientenbezogenen und persönlichen Daten auf Deinem Board speichern (konsultiere diesbezüglich bitte einen spezialisierten Anwalt)  … daher bin ich zur Konkurrenz gewechselt …

Mehr per PN

Viele Grüße

