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Hi - I have just noticed that that there are a lot more diagramming shapes available in Miro

However these seem to only be available to the Business or Enterprise plans

Is this by design?  As a freelance consultant I cannot pay for a 5 seat business license but would like to take advantage of the wider range of diagramming shapes

I’m not a consultant, but advocated for the business to adopt Miro as its diagramming tool of choice. We’re a Team account with around 30 seats.

I’ve just discovered that the AWS icons are moving into Diagramming from Dec 1st, which is not available to the team tier and I’m furious. Doubling our annual bill to keep a feature we already have is outrageous. 

I can understand the strength of feeling from the consultant crowd, but you’re not alone. This is very sharp practice.

This decision makes absolutely ZERO sense. We should have ALL of the diagrams on the Consultant plan. The Business account would be $960 a year for one person. 

And we are introducing customers to Miro who potentially would want a business subscription. The Miro Management should be ashamed of this decision because it truly makes ZERO sense. 


Not to mention - they say like 5 times and she even says it too that it is for PAID plans. Timestamp 53:53 They both say not available on FREE available on PAID!


This really should be available FOR ALL PAID PLANS! It’s not a diagramming software without standard diagram sets. All of the ones they offer I need. Lucid chart BLOWS MIRO AWAY in this area for only $96 a year. Miro is $960 at this price structure. 

I cancelled my Lucidchart subscription to move over to Miro 100%. I guess I have to sign up with them again. 


This decision rivals some of the worst business decisions I have ever seen a company make. Not to mention essentially false advertising in their webinar.


The consultants are Miro’s best sales people. Just COMPLETELY Unbelievable. 


@Jennifer Yzelman  
Couldn’t agree more with @Robert Johnson  -- these particular features should be a market-share play against Lucid - this discussion can help reinforce that decision. They should be available for testing for free users… so that people/teams can consider making the switch.

As a person on the consultant plan - there really is no upsell available for me.  I pay for 2 seats @ $12 / month. $24.  I like the flexibility to add team members as I grow. I like the Consultant features- esp the many teams I can make for engaging with clients. If I jump to Business in order to get BPMN stencils … I have to buy 5 seats minimum at $16/month. That’s $80 per month. AND… Business doesn’t allow multiple teams/workspaces… so, what I’ve been told, is that customer tech support would have to consolidate all my teams/those boards down into one team, eradicating all of that organizational division.  So here’s the math:  $80-24 = $56/month extra for “premium smart diagramming packs” -> MINUS “unlimited teams/workspaces”.  (its +$68 for a single-seat consultant)  So… there really is no pathway for consultants in this position to access this feature without making a very irrational financial and operational decision.

If this is meant to be a lure from ‘team’ to ‘business’ … I can maybe see that … but you’ve effectively iced out the consultant plan from this feature. Which, while we’re here; why does “Business” not have unlimited teams / workspaces? … is this because that’s something you wanted to distinguish Biz from Ent.?  For companies paying 16/month X 5 minimum… it seems this is a bizarre limitation…  But its not my situation, so I can’t be sure.  

And furthermore, this very same issue will appear again and again with any product you position in this fashion as being only available to Biz and Ent.  It won’t be until I reach 4 or 5 seats on my Consultant plan that I’ll think long and hard about jumping to Business, BUT… it will always be a mixed bag of upgrade (premium smart diagramming stencil packs… etc) and downgrade (loosing my unlimited teams). So … I go from a 2 person Consultant to … Enterprise?  So, your product and pricing team will need to really sort this upsell strategy out… Its currently underdeveloped WRT the position of the Consultant plan.  

Suggested Options: 

  1. Make ‘Business plan’ 1) no user minimum (currently 5), and 2) full feature parity(+) with Consultant plan: result:  I upgrade my two seats from Cons. to Biz $12->$16 (+$4X2=$8/month(not $56)), because I really want your Business-segregated extra features, and I don’t loose any features (unlimited teams/workspaces).  This makes sense! 
  2. Another option … if you’re feeling like making money off premium add-on ‘assets’: Make premium asset packs a-la-carte add-ons, one-time payments. Or small additions to your monthly sub fee. This may be much harder to operationalize than option 1. 

Just ordered the consultant plan and was disapointed to come to the same conclusion as the rest on this board. Please Miro make provide a single user plan that is usable.



Hi all,

I want to thank you again for your constructive feedback. It has helped us reimagine our diagramming offer. Starting December 16, Consultant and Education plans will have full access to our Smart Diagramming solution, including several advanced shape packs (AWS, Azure, BPMN, Cisco and Data Flow).

With this, I will close this thread. If you have any further questions, please feel free to react to this Community post or, if you'd like to learn more about Diagramming on Miro, check out our mapping and diagramming help center for all kinds of tips, tricks, and resources to improve your diagramming process. 

Happy diagramming!

Honestly, I give up for now as I’m about to become a 1st-time dad in about 2.5 weeks :)


I just dont understand the logic behind this decision to block AWS Azure Diagraming to Consultants?

If you block the feature at least let them upgrade to “Pro Consultant” and open the feature for couple more bucks a month . 

Right now you want me to play 100$ a month and hold 4 empty seat.

this makes zero sense… :rage:

Hope you will take our opinion seriously, and give reasonable solution .


Hey all:

A little bird (inside Miro) bird told me that as of tomorrow we consultants will be able to use the diagram icon sets. Fingers crossed 👍🏼 🎇🎆

@Robert Johnson @Max Harper @John Livingston : …

Mhh… I have noticed that most of the diagrams are not available to Enterprise and Business Plan - I’m really disappointed because in Lucidchart the Azure Cloud / BPMN / Data Flow and much much more is included …

Hopefully we Consultants getting those symbols or we have to work like we used to … work with miro and work with Lucidchart … miro has got competitors … hopefully they’re noticing and they’re looking for their loyal users :pray:

Lucidchart overview | Lucidchart


I kind-of wish these icon libraries were… as you said, part of any paid plan… and that some additional templates were add-on, a la carte, 1-time purchases. 

And I agree… I imagine many users of these systems design and enterprise arch icon sets are consultants. As much of that work is highly niche/specialized. 

@mlanders  I agree with those sentiments. The smart diagramming as a “Business” plan only product is pretty agonizing for “Consultant” plan holders…  Even weirder, I’m just realizing, is their “smart meetings” being gated off to “Business” only… a lot of the Miro meeting design-facilitators, agile coaches, etc are on the Consultant plan… so… this price-gated feature addition feels SMARTly engineered to force those 1-3 person teams to spend $72-56 / Month. 

Indeed, a power user ‘consultant’, excited about these tools is less concerned with paying more per month for better features than they are in adding 1-4 seat licenses that they won’t use as they are not a 5 person team. 

Seems to me they could get rid of the minimum user count for “Business” - then small team Power Users like you and many others would get the features without the overhead of paying for ‘seats’ you don’t use.  

@Jennifer Yzelman -

Data Flow and BPMN would be frequently used by many consultants but if you want us to act as (free) evangelists for Miro with our clients, it would make sense to provide full access to all the shape sets…


@Jennifer Yzelman :

BPMN, Data Flow and VMware but @Kiron Bondale hit the nail with this:

“ if you want us to act as (free) evangelists for Miro with our clients, it would make sense to provide full access to all the shape sets…”


Hi Miro Community!

I’d like to jump in here and thank you all for your feedback. 

As always, our decisions have been fuelled by data and understanding of the needs for these types shape packs across different types of customers - hence the decision to offer all basic shapes, flowcharts, and connectors vs. other more specific shape packs only to selected plans (Business and Enterprise). However, we hear your concerns and disappointment and we’ll take this feedback into consideration. 

Would anyone be so kind to elaborate on which shape packs you are mostly interested in as a consultant?

Kind regards,



AWS, Data Flow, VMware and BPMN are the minimum toolkit, for me. But@Kiron Bondale clearly pointed out the matter:

“ if you want us to act as (free) evangelists for Miro with our clients, it would make sense to provide full access to all the shape sets…”

Hi Miro Community!

I’d like to jump in here and thank you all for your feedback. 

As always, our decisions have been fuelled by data and understanding of the needs for these types shape packs across different types of customers - hence the decision to offer all basic shapes, flowcharts, and connectors vs. other more specific shape packs only to selected plans (Business and Enterprise). However, we hear your concerns and disappointment and we’ll take this feedback into consideration. 

Would anyone be so kind to elaborate on which shape packs you are mostly interested in as a consultant?

Kind regards,



@Jennifer Yzelman - My first thought when you ask “which shape packs you are mostly interested in” is that you may be entertaining the idea of creating further layers of segregation between packs and plan type. If that were the case, I would suggest that the easier path forward here is to just open up all diagram packs to all paid plans.

Smart Diagramming is not a good enough reason to expect Consultant Plan subscribers--the same individuals you had in mind to be champions of Miro when you created the Miro Professionals Network--to upgrade from one or two (or even five!) paid seats at $15 each to a minimum of $100/month for the Business Plan - I still would prefer the Consultant Plan over the Business Plan as I can create unlimited teams. Plus Consultant Plan subscribers have additional collaboration tools that Business Plan subscribers do not. And… surely you would be hard-pressed to find consultants who would even even need SSO.

An unnamed individual summed this up as follows:

“Smart Diagramming should be widely available on any plan as it is marketshare play against Lucid, not a revenue boosting upsell to current users.”

The better use of time & effort here would be to:

  1. Remove the current restriction and open the feature up to all paid plans.
  2. Remove the current note about “Business and Enterprise Plans only” from the Smart Diagramming panel.
  3. Update the pricing matrix.
  4. Move on to making better features for all paid plans.

All of that said, I have never been a product owner or had to make decisions such as these, so I could be out to lunch.

@Jennifer Yzelman

Hey , can we get any update/news regarding this topic?

Thank you ! 

Hi everyone,


I’ve just been accepted into the Miro Professional Network and I noticed the BPMN and Data Flow diagrams are only available in Business plan. That makes it pretty much useless for me, as I’m doing process design for my clients and diagraming is the main tool. Miro is a great tool, but unless Business features are included in the MPN I’m afraid I’ll have to go back to Lucidchart.

Alternatively, Business plan is way too expensive because I have to pay for 5 sits when it’s only me using it.

Miro Team, any updates on this topic?

Thank you

@Brian Royce - There was only ever one resolution :wink:


I cancelled my Lucidchart subscription to move over to Miro 100%. I guess I have to sign up with them again. 


This decision rivals some of the worst business decisions I have ever seen a company make. Not to mention essentially false advertising in their webinar.


The consultants are Miro’s best sales people. Just COMPLETELY Unbelievable. 


Agreed!  I was in the process of converting and training my Architects from Lucid to Miro, but Dec 1st happened and I am now regrouping.

@John Livingston - I just learned about the Smart Diagramming feature via the Distributed 2021 conference.

I have the Consultant Plan and I do have the new “quick shape” feature, but I couldn’t find some of the examples that were being shown in the Distributed demo. I had a look in the Help Center and found this:

And then I found how to get to the new diagramming library, however, it looks like a bunch of them are limited to Business and Consultant Plans :disappointed_relieved:


I left it as long as I could, but I’ve cancelled my subscription. I can’t afford to lose access to Azure and AWS icon packs. Other services allow free access to Azure and AWS diagramming packs and templates.

Hi guys, I just saw the notification that the Azure pack will only be available with Smart Diagramming.

This is super disappointing, I use it all the time. For reference, Visio’s most expensive plan is $22~AUD per user per month (Miro Business would be ~$106AUD per month for 5 users, but there’s only me) for Azure cloud stencils, that’s a much more compelling option. I really like putting Miro in front of customers, but I can’t justify a 5x cost increase. I really hope Miro listens to the feedback in this thread and adds Smart Diagramming to a consultant plan.




@Jules Zanetti - All of us Consultant Plan scribers are saddened by Miro not giving us a few extra symbols/graphics.


the page says:
Smart Diagramming and Smart Meetings are included in the Consultant Plan …


So we have to wait …


Wow - never seen a thread “blow up” this quickly! I definitely would love to see those advanced shapes made available in the consultant plan as they are very relevant to a lot of the work which many consultants do re: process mapping/engineering!
