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Hi - I have just noticed that that there are a lot more diagramming shapes available in Miro

However these seem to only be available to the Business or Enterprise plans

Is this by design?  As a freelance consultant I cannot pay for a 5 seat business license but would like to take advantage of the wider range of diagramming shapes

When I access the settings panel for Diagramming from…

the Team Plan:


And my Consultant Plan looks the same:


My spouse’s Education Plan:


Free Plan:


Given what I am seeing, and this:

…  Smart Diagramming is not available for the Consultant Plan: 


@Robert Johnson :

We cannot talk about Basic Smart Diagramming features - because in the pricing-page there are no Basic Smart Diagramming Features:

It is not available if you scroll down on the pricing page:

The communication via the miro web page is clear in this  point.

We’ve got at this moment the same as the free users … and this is not correct.

So I hope for unlocking this symbols for us Consultants - because the web page tells it clearly as a feature!


Now I’ve got it official from the support:

Oct 20, 2021, 21:57 GMT+5

Hi Michael,

Thank you so much for the confirmation.

I've got in touch with the team and they informed me that, unfortunately, this was a mistake on the pricing page. The full Miro Smart Diagramming features are available only on Business and Enterprise plans. We're really sorry for the confusion and for the inconvenience.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We're now working on removing it from the pricing page.

I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help here. Please, let us know if you have additional questions.

Best regards,

One sad movement away from this years theme from Distributed 2021:
The path to reconnection …

:disappointed_relieved: Away from the needs of the users ...

@mlanders - Agreed. If you are not handing over at least $80/month to Miro ($16 * 5 seats on Business Plan, paid annually) then you are not worthy of the feature - that is how I am interrupting this.

I mean, really… it’s just some graphics, right?

Smart Diagramming should be included with ALL paid plans as it a bit much to ask Team Plan subscription holders to pay double in order to have access to these other Smart Diagramming shape packs.

There. I think I’m done with this topic :wink:

Yes, @Robert Johnson  - agreeing absolutely The cool is that embedding is working and Lucidchart has much more to offer in Diagramming and the embedding of their chart working like a charm …

  • Shadowing of all Diagramms
  • Free already created Styles (Colouring of all elements)
  • Black Background
  • architechture Symbols (Furniture / and more)
  • And even more symbols than miro has to offer

This is included even in the free account …



@Robert Johnson & @mlanders -

My take on this is that Miro is missing out on a great marketing opportunity by making this available under the Consultant plan. Those of us who are on that plan are usually working with many clients and exposing the richer capabilities of such Miro features is an easy “soft sell” to get those clients to evaluate and subscribe. I can’t count how many students in my courses have been impressed with Miro and have decided to evaluate it for themselves.

Arguably, the opportunities for such free marketing are much better with users on the Consultant plans the Business plan. Methinks Miro product managers need to play the “long game” here…


@Kiron Bondale @mlanders @Robert Johnson @Xenia 

Well, there you have it. Definitive answer from Miro Support: 
There was a “mistake on the pricing page” and indeed “the full Miro Smart Diagramming features are available only on Business and Enterprise plans. ”   


And what’s more perplexing with this decision is that Business plans are technically a downgrade of capabilities from Consultant plans (that’s what support tells me… see the bottom image-- that’s why you can’t move from Consultant to Business plans because support has to collapse your ‘teams’ / ‘workspaces’ down into one...).  But business plans have a minimum seat requirement… I can’t quite follow Miro’s logic on this one… and, it might appear, neither can people inside Miro… hence the pricing page mistake.   



Hi Max,

Thanks for following up with us! I've got in touch with the team and they informed me that, unfortunately, there was a mistake on the pricing page. The full Miro Smart Diagramming features are available only on Business and Enterprise plans. 

We're really sorry for the confusion and for the inconvenience! Are you still interested in switching your consultant plan to a Business plan? 

We're constantly trying to improve our product and will keep doing our best to get things better for you and other users. I'd be happy to share your thoughts with the team who's responsible for Smart Diagramming - your feedback is very much appreciated.

All the best,



Business and Enterprise plans get Smart Diagramming but NOT Consultant plans:  but Business is a downgrade from Consultant… so this feature skips a plan/bracket…? 


@Max Harper - The only “mistake” is not making this available for Consultants. If the technical framework is built in a way I believe it would be, it may be easier to flip the switch that makes it available to boards that reside in a Consultant Plan team than it would be to update the pricing page (not exactly, but close). I suppose they would also have to note this in the feature itself were it says it is only available for Business and Enterprise Plans, however… that could be dynamic too.

As for the Business Plan, I couldn’t imagine going back to a paid plan that doesn’t allow me to create additional teams.

@Robert Johnson :

… one question:

What exact is the advantage I have in comparission to the Consutant Plan.

In most times I share my miro-screen via zoom or via Webex … because of Data-Restrictions here in Europe and Hosting in the US of miro I cannot collaborate with customers/clients so this feature is worthless for me …

So what do you think are there any advantages for me …


@mlanders - The advantage of the Consultant vs. Team Plan is that:

  • more than one team can be created - if I am going to be inviting a client to my team as a full member or using a day pass (occasional user), I can create a team just for this client and move all boards to that new team to avoid my client potentially seeing boards they should not see. While this could be handled by making all boards private, adding the client to the team and then a project, etc. that is administratively heavy and sill risky.
  • and now wit the new Non-team member Guests feature (currently in beta), Consultant Plan users will be able to add registered Miro account users directly to a board with edit access, without having to make them a team member, and for free.
  • Other benefits will be found on the pricing page and the plans and features help center article.

@Robert Johnson : Thank you for the good information … I will stay by the Consultant Plan - at this moment it makes the most sense to me and it is the best option for my needs

Hi - I have just noticed that that there are a lot more diagramming shapes available in Miro

However these seem to only be available to the Business or Enterprise plans

Is this by design?  As a freelance consultant I cannot pay for a 5 seat business license but would like to take advantage of the wider range of diagramming shapes

I’m having the ugly sensation that when I tried the free miro version, there were more than the three very basic shapes included… am I wrong?


@Francesco Martelli - There was--and still are--the following 21 basic shapes included in the Free Plan:


And now there are an additional 24 Flowchart shapes available to all plan members: 


Hi guys, I just saw the notification that the Azure pack will only be available with Smart Diagramming.

This is super disappointing, I use it all the time. For reference, Visio’s most expensive plan is $22~AUD per user per month (Miro Business would be ~$106AUD per month for 5 users, but there’s only me) for Azure cloud stencils, that’s a much more compelling option. I really like putting Miro in front of customers, but I can’t justify a 5x cost increase. I really hope Miro listens to the feedback in this thread and adds Smart Diagramming to a consultant plan.




@Jules Zanetti - All of us Consultant Plan scribers are saddened by Miro not giving us a few extra symbols/graphics.

@Jules Zanetti - All of us Consultant Plan scribers are saddened by Miro not giving us a few extra symbols/graphics.

I edited my post with a little more clarification - for me this is an absolute deal-breaker.

​​​​​​​Thanks for the support, though!

@Jules Zanetti - If it helps, there is the Azure Icon Set that you can install for free:


@Jules Zanetti - If it helps, there is the Azure Icon Set that you can install for free:


That’s actually what brought me here in the first place (if you can’t read it, it says from December 1 these shapes will only be available in the diagramming library):



Basically - I must spend 5x for a feature I’ve paid for and use.

@Jules Zanetti - Thanks for pointing that out - apparently you are more observant than I :wink:

I was even going to use a page from Google’s playbook and suggest that Miro will likely remove these at some point, but forgot.

Again, this is sad and disappointing move by Miro to take this away from paid accounts. I am just one person, too, and will not be spending $100 just to get a few symbols. The message I am receiving from Miro is that I am not significant enough to them.

@Jules Zanetti - Thanks for pointing that out - apparently you are more observant that I :wink:

I was even going to use a page from Google’s playbook and suggest that Miro will likely remove these at some point, but forgot.

Again, this is sad and disappointing move by Miro to take this away from paid accounts. I am just one person, too, and will spend $100 just to get a few symbols. The message I am receiving is that I am not significant enough to them.

I’m sorry you’re in the same boat. If anyone else has this particular problem, Figma has a great Azure library.

@Francesco Martelli - There was--and still are--the following 21 basic shapes included in the Free Plan:


And now there are an additional 24 Flowchart shapes available to all plan members:





thank you for your reply.

My previous message was unclear, I’m on the consultant plan and I choose Miro because I tried the free plan and I found it good for my purposes which are - essentially - diagramming.

Now I think I would not have chosen Miro if I had been aware that only the basic, flowchart and connectors shape sets were available. Maybe I did not looked at with sufficient care. It’s a pity, and like others pointed out, it’s very disappointing for consultant plan owners. I hope Miro developers will consider those opinions. For me, I’m considering other products. It’s a pity, I liked Miro approach.



My congratulations.

Hi Miro Community!

I’d like to jump in here and thank you all for your feedback. 

As always, our decisions have been fuelled by data and understanding of the needs for these types shape packs across different types of customers - hence the decision to offer all basic shapes, flowcharts, and connectors vs. other more specific shape packs only to selected plans (Business and Enterprise). However, we hear your concerns and disappointment and we’ll take this feedback into consideration. 

Would anyone be so kind to elaborate on which shape packs you are mostly interested in as a consultant?

Kind regards,



Hi @Jennifer Yzelman ,

BPMN because as a consultant we get asked to draw these process diagrams all the time.

Thank you for looking into this.


@Jennifer Yzelman -

Data Flow and BPMN would be frequently used by many consultants but if you want us to act as (free) evangelists for Miro with our clients, it would make sense to provide full access to all the shape sets…
