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Changing size of the board Grid -- not the Grid/Table Widget

  • 8 January 2021
  • 2 replies

It is a little bit difficult to finde a solution for my problem because two features have the same name.
The grid of my board which can be shown or not and the Grid Widget which is like a table.
I want change the size of the background grid (not the Grid Table), so that i have right sized squared A4 Format Paper.

Right now the grid in a A4 Format is so huge and I want smaller ones like 5mm in compare to the A4 format.

Is this possible?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Thomas R,

The background grid is not customizable. I’m speaking about this grid: 


















You can submit this idea as a Wish List item. Just make sure to explain your use case and the problem you are trying to solve :slight_smile:

is this feature implemented after 3 years? i am trying to use the gridlines as a ruler but the default ones are too far apart
