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I used to be able to change the size of a text box without resizing the text.
I want to change the size of a box with text independently of the fond size.

How is it possible to switch off auto size?


Thank you 


Hello @Prof. Peter Kiefer ,

there are two ways to resize the text and to have influence of the textsize.

Even to set a fixed fontsize.

Both are show in the animation:

If you’d like to have a fixed boxsize you can change the font like its shown here:




Dear Michael, thank for you answer. But this is not working with me - changing the fonds size changes the size of the text box too… Exacetly this was my question, because I used to do it your way before. But since recently its not working any more.

Dear Michael, not I got it: first if have to click on the frame and than change the format of the box in the format window from “T” to “square shape”. Now I can change the text size as you show in the video… Thank you! Peter

Peter: The second example doesn’t work for you.

I’ve tried it so hard i can, but the size of the boxes are not changing - what happens to yours?

Is the result the same if you use an other Browser or not using the APP.

I’m using Chrome.


Dear Michael, thank you ! I posted the solution I found ! Thank you for your time and all the BEst! PEter