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There is a way to export cards to excel.,How%20to%20export%20cards,-Drag%20the%20selection

Is there a way to import cards in the same format to miro?

@Szymou -

One workaround would be to copy and paste a set of card content (one per cell) from Excel into Miro which will generate them as sticky notes. Then use the object transform tool to convert them to sticky notes.

See to see how to convert objects from one type to another...


@Kiron Bondale thanks, I’m aware of this feature, but it’s something which meet my needs. The export feature contains much more information, such as: tags and descriptions. 

@Szymou -

Unfortunately, other than the card title nothing else would come in via this method. There is an existing wish list idea for support import of more fields from cards via Excel here which you could upvote:

