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I’ve linked my Google Drive but can’t embed either videos (.mp4) or music (.mp3) - is this a limitation or a bug?


Youtube video embedding works fine and it’s from the same company!!


@thetitanium Unfortunately embedding videos doesn’t work in Miro right now, so it is a limitation. Storing a video on Google Drive and Streaming a video via YouTube are very different functions, so for now, we are limited to embedding videos only via mainstream video streaming sites. Likely this is due to Miro’s storage capacity and security features, which would be challenged if everyone was uploading videos or agreeing to let Miro access video files on your system.

Hope this helps!


@thetitanium Unfortunately embedding videos doesn’t work in Miro right now, so it is a limitation. Storing a video on Google Drive and Streaming a video via YouTube are very different functions, so for now, we are limited to embedding videos only via mainstream video streaming sites. Likely this is due to Miro’s storage capacity and security features, which would be challenged if everyone was uploading videos or agreeing to let Miro access video files on your system.

Hope this helps!


Thanks for the reply.

As the user of the Google Drive account is responsible for both the content, sharing and storage of the video I don’t see how this impacts Miro.

On the storage side, surely an embedded Youtube video being streamed is the same as a Google Drive video being streamed - Miro isn’t hosting the video so it isn’t paying for the stream.

On the security side, surely the user of the Google Drive video can share it just like they can share a Google Doc? The permissions are exactly the same for the whole Google Suite and you support Google Docs!

I really see no reason other than effort getting in the way of this - hopefully they can implement this soon!


@thetitanium Unfortunately embedding videos doesn’t work in Miro right now, so it is a limitation. Storing a video on Google Drive and Streaming a video via YouTube are very different functions, so for now, we are limited to embedding videos only via mainstream video streaming sites. Likely this is due to Miro’s storage capacity and security features, which would be challenged if everyone was uploading videos or agreeing to let Miro access video files on your system.

Hope this helps!


Thanks for the reply.

As the user of the Google Drive account is responsible for both the content, sharing and storage of the video I don’t see how this impacts Miro.

On the storage side, surely an embedded Youtube video being streamed is the same as a Google Drive video being streamed - Miro isn’t hosting the video so it isn’t paying for the stream.

On the security side, surely the user of the Google Drive video can share it just like they can share a Google Doc? The permissions are exactly the same for the whole Google Suite and you support Google Docs!

I really see no reason other than effort getting in the way of this - hopefully they can implement this soon!


Hmmm interesting….. I used the embed code from google  (didn’t realise it wasn’t supported) and it did work for a few days then (I had several videos) they randomly dropped out.

Having video on a board is very useful for us.



We (and many like us) cannot use YOUTUBE embedding because the videos we’d like to embed on the board are confidential!


Koen (HP)

Having video on a board is very useful for us.



We (and many like us) cannot use YOUTUBE embedding because the videos we’d like to embed on the board are confidential!


Koen (HP)

Just want to echo this - situation is the same for us.

It’s such an annoying aspect that the team seem unwilling to sort. I’d hardly class Google drive as outside of the mainstream. 

Why is it you’re able to share a Google Doc directly into a board but not a video. They surely have the same security and content risks??? 

It seems like the most basic of functions that deeply hampers wider and effective useage. 

@thetitanium Unfortunately embedding videos doesn’t work in Miro right now, so it is a limitation. Storing a video on Google Drive and Streaming a video via YouTube are very different functions, so for now, we are limited to embedding videos only via mainstream video streaming sites. Likely this is due to Miro’s storage capacity and security features, which would be challenged if everyone was uploading videos or agreeing to let Miro access video files on your system.

Hope this helps!



It’s been a whole two years since this original posting. Have there really been no developments on this? My team previously used Milanote instead of Miro and it supported nearly every single type of video: uploaded, embedded, and linked. I still don’t understand why this isn’t already possible.

Incredibly basic feature that would dramatically expand the use cases and potential for collaborative work within Miro.

Hi all, good news. You can iframe videos from your Google Drive on a Miro board. Have a look at the screenshots below how to do it. Similar process if you use Microsoft OneDrive/Sharepoint.



Hi all, good news. You can iframe videos from your Google Drive on a Miro board. Have a look at the screenshots below how to do it. Similar process if you use Microsoft OneDrive/Sharepoint.



Oh nice! I haven't tried this yet but if it works, brilliant, thanks

Hi all, good news. You can iframe videos from your Google Drive on a Miro board. Have a look at the screenshots below how to do it. Similar process if you use Microsoft OneDrive/Sharepoint.



Is this only possible with the Desktop Google Drive? Or can I get an Embed code using the Google Drive Android app?

Hi @thetitanium,


Great to see your enthusiasm for embedding videos into your Miro boards! The method shared by Wessel is generally done through the Google Drive web interface, which is typically accessed via a desktop browser.


Unfortunately, the Google Drive Android app doesn't provide the option to generate an embed code directly.If you’re looking to embed videos from your Android device, you can upload the video to Google Drive using the app, then switch to a desktop browser to retrieve the embed code and embed it into your Miro board.


Hope that helps! If you need further assistance, feel free to let the Community know.
