Can't add team members, but they show up as users

  • 23 September 2022
  • 1 reply

Our small company, HP Inc 😀, is beginning our adventures in greater collaboration with MIRO and this application looks amazing.  Unfortunately, when we started out this week, I couldn’t add my staff as members to our team.  The Invite Team Members button is not visible.  I was able to invite them to a board as users with some challenges, but I need them added to the team so they can access more boards that our team have or will have in the future.

Any help the technical team can provide would be greatly appreciated.


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Steven Reinhart - Without any insights into your subscription type, I can only assume you have the Enterprise Plan. As with all paid plans, you have the option to open a support ticket with Miro - the form can be found both from your dashboard and while in a board - instructions are here:
