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Hi! while running a workshop, we will split participants into 4 difference groups. Each groupe will have it own facilitator.

Is it possible for a facilitator to call a group of 5 people? 

I know that we can call all the participants to where we are, we can also call a specific participant, but can we create groups of specific participants?


Thank you

@Stephanie Bacquere -

There’s no native method in Miro of doing this - generally you’d handle groups/teams in a workshop by either designating separate areas of a board or using separate boards. 


Can you pre-set groups up in the bring to me function to match my pre-set groupings in a workshop? 

@Albert, Heather -

No but that does sound like a great enhancement request so you may wish to add it following the wish-list guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know 🌠 | Miro

