Assign a member role (full access) to a free user/member

  • 24 January 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello all,

First time here :)

My company is considering purchasing six Business Plan licenses.

These licenses will be used by administrators.

So my question is, can one of these administrators assign the role of team member with full access to the boards belonging to the team, knowing that the member has a free license?

Thank you,


2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@MauricioL - Hello and welcome to the Community!

My company is considering purchasing six Business Plan licenses.

These licenses will be used by administrators.

It sounds like your plan is to have these six individuals create boards that will be used by Free Plan/non-team members.


So my question is, can one of these administrators assign the role of team member with full access to the boards belonging to the team, knowing that the member has a free license?

This is not possible. Only team members can own boards. When you add non-team members, they will be guests and guests will have limited capabilities while using those boards.

You can see a comparison between guests and members (and visitors, i.e., “anyone with the link”) roles here → Visitors, guests and members


FYI: I DM’d you a link to be a Guest on one of my Business Plan boards, so you can experience it for yourself.

@Robert Johnson Thank you for your prompt reply.
