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all images limits in single board?

  • 20 June 2024
  • 3 replies

I’m not sure… I did not see that anywhere in pricing or description… how many MB or GB I can upload to 1) one board divided into... 2) single free account 3) single premium (starter or bussiner) account? 

Hi @Robeee 


According to this article: “The maximum number of objects that you can add to a board is 100,000. However performance can be impacted starting from 1,000 objects. For a better experience, we recommend keeping the number of objects on the board below 5,000.”

Here is an old thread with people discussing your question as well. Hope this is helpful!

@ElvaMiro THAANK you for answer… I think you missunderstand me… I’ve would like to know - if I upload 100 images with 10MB each - will I reach a limit or when I upload 200 images 20mb - I will reach a limit? 
is there any limit of my personal storage like max 10GB per account or 1GB per board?

Hi @Robeee 

According to this old thread I found there is no limit but there is a limit to back up files. I hope this is helpful. 
