Access revoked - from the miro apple app

  • 29 November 2021
  • 5 replies

Hey - so i use miro with my personal account. I am able to access my board using the chrome browser from my laptop. But when i access the same board from my miro apple app - i keep on getting the error “Access revoked - sharing settings for this board have changed”. 


  1. login to miro apple app - works fine. 
  2. i see the only board that i have under that account. 
  3. i click on it and get the mentioned error. 

This was working fine a week back. 

What can i do different? 

5 replies

I have the exact same issue on my iPad. I can make it work by setting the sharing settings to “Anyone with the link can edit”, but this is of course not a viable option for all kinds of boards.

Userlevel 3

Hi Mohamad!

We’re sorry you’ve run into this issue - thank you for reporting it!

Unfortunately, what you’re experiencing is down to a bug we’re facing. Thankfully our technical team is already aware of the issue and working on a fix! For this reason we have converted your post into a support ticket and passed it on to our technical support team who will be in touch with you via email shortly!:beetle:

In the meantime, if you have any further questions, feel free to get back to us - we’re always happy to help! :smiley:

Userlevel 3

And hi to you as well, Anne!

We’ve converted your post into a support ticket as well - our technical support team will be in touch with you by email shortly!

Thanks for reporting and your patience!:turtle:

Userlevel 3

In the meantime, could both of you please try the same using Safari instead of Chrome? If you like, do let us know if that makes a difference! :smiley:

Hi @Mohamad Akhter I had the same issue as you on ipad today. I deleted the app, reinstalled it, logged in again and it worked.
