@Danny Hellemons -
I haven’t created any templates for this as I don’t do a lot of VSM but perhaps others in the community might be able to create and share theirs.
@Kiron Bondale perhaps you can share yours with us? I would really appreciate that. I found a great one in Lucidcharts but prefer to use Miro...Thanks in advance
Kiron I have been playing in this space myself and the hardest part is exporting to excel and using the data. I have used grids with the process steps up top, timings below, value adding/waste next and then internal and external customer feelings at the bottom. It gets a tad messy when exporting the info into excel!
@Betsy -
There is no canned VSM template available (the one here is more of a process support tool for doing VSM https://miro.com/templates/value-stream-map/), but a lot depends on how elaborate you want to make your VSM.
I’ve found using the basic shapes with arrow connectors, color-coding the activity boxes to denote VA/NVA/BNVA and then adding text within the boxes or above or below them to denote the value-add time vs. waiting time is sufficient but if you are looking for something a lot more elaborate that might take more effort.
You can create the shapes yourself and then save those in a shared custom template which you can import into any new board where you intend to do VSM.