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Tweak the existing Kanban template

  • 14 August 2020
  • 1 reply

I love the Kanban template, using it for the first time this week, but it is *very* specific to Kanban. I was trying to shoehorn a Gantt chart into it, but it just doesn’t allow spanning across columns. On the flipside, the Gantt template is basically just some grouped rectangles (I’m guessing it was an earlier template).

It seems like it would be a short jump from the more robust fixed header / grid layout features of Kanban to make them work for a much improved Gantt template. Just thought I would throw that out there…



1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@dmcallister -

I’m a little confused how a Kanban chart could be morphed into a Gantt chart as the former has distinct columns representing the flow of value of individual work items and work items get moved from column to column unlike a Gantt chart where the life cycle of a work item is represented by a single bar spanning the start & end?

Could you mockup what you are trying to achieve?

