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I, along with two friends, have a rooftop garden in the heart of Montreal. As you may know Montreal is not known for its long or reliable growing seasons, this being said organization is everything. This summer we are in has not been the best year for our garden, three different people had completely different goals about what to grow where and when. This resulted in a late start to the season and some plants not finding their way into the larger beds we built for them 😞 These sad tomato times have lead us to rethink the system, to say the least. One thing that set us back this spring was how all three of us showed up with a map of our ideal garden on a piece of paper and this led to us having to waste planting season arguing with each other. 

Last week we sat down next to our respective computers, opened Zoom and designed our next garden in Miro. We were able to plan it to a tee, it is to scale, we know how many pots we need, exactly how much soil we need, where the sun will be at different points in the season and how many stick we will need to support the plants, as well as how the quantity of plants we will have to buy. 

You probably didn’t think that this was about Miro at all but surprise, Miro saved our garden. So thanks Miro, you’re great for whiteboarding as well as greenroofing!

@Reid Thomas - Thanks for sharing! And now, the question everyone will surely have: Can you share the board--or at least a duplicate--here for all of us to see?

@Robert Johnson, most definitely, getting it cleaned up and template ready (there are still lots of random sticky notes making it look hectic) is on my priority list. Should have it up by next week, I’ll keep you posted.

@Reid Thomas -

Great story - as an ex-Montrealer who grew up there, its wonderful to hear about Miro being used in such a manner. I’d echo @Robert Johnson’s desire to see the board and hopefully some photos of the garden itself!


@Reid Thomas this is such a delightful story! We’re all so excited to see the board 😍 whenever you’re ready to share it.


Have you designed anything similar using Miro before? I’m so excited to learn more creative uses of the tool like this one! 

So, I figured I would give y’all a little sneak peak before I upload the template to the Miroverse next week. Without further ado, I present you The Garden, if you have any suggestions for crops we haven’t chosen don’t be shy (specific crop info is hidden in the photos for now).

Also, I will post some photos of this seasons crop next week (:



Very cool @Reid Thomas!

I can see the advantages over using a traditional drawing/layout tool such as Visio for this. I just spent the better part of a day using Visio to lay out our furniture and other stuff for the new house we are moving into and while the dimensions are to scale, it lacks the artistic side which Miro would have been able to bring.


@Reid Thomas oh my gosh I love the morning sun / afternoon sun contrast! There’s something so satisfying about half of the board being greyed out in the afternoon. :yum:  I’m sure @Marina and @Helena Brandist would love to take a look too! 

Thanks for sharing, @Reid Thomas! Evergreen Miro board :herb:

