Keeping Culture in a Remote Environment

Userlevel 4
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Happy Monday!


Wanted to share an article I wrote recently on a big policy change we implemented at my company (Use All Five) - giving employees every other Friday off. The TL:DR is that we split the team in half so half the team is on every Friday and the other half is off. It switches monthly based on resourcing and workload but everyone is guaranteed 2 Fridays off per month.


Curious to hear from you all:

  1. Do you think policies like this are the future? Are we moving towards a 4-day workweek?
  2. What is your company doing to keep culture afloat and work/life balance alive in a fully remote environment?


PS: thank you @Henrik Ståhl for encouraging me to post this!

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

I do really wonder if we will see a 4 day work week in our lifetime! I think maybe, if anything, it might happen in the Advertising & Marketing industry - but some big companies will likely need to lead the charge (like if Google or Facebook or Apple did it first).

Userlevel 3
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Hey @Michelle Murphy There's something about being outdoors that just feels good, doesn't it? Maybe it's the fresh air or the sunshine. Or maybe it's the fact that you're not stuck inside all day. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of benefits to spending time outside, creativity among them.  Thanks for sharing!

Userlevel 7
Badge +7

Great initiative, and great article about it @Michelle Murphy! 👏

  1. Yes, definitely. I don't necessarily think we're moving towards a 4-day workweek though, there are still so many conservative folks out there doing they're best to stop it from happening… But I absolutely think that work related benefits like these are the future, simply because the younger generations value free time and recreation more than money.
  2. Nothing as good as giving us every other Friday off. 😄
