Happy Friday
There are so many inspiring templates on Miroverse, and we can't to stop talking about them
Today I would like to highlight 3 templates from different categories:
Filmmakers Storyboard by Persistent Productions is a useful tool for any content creator today.
This board merges your shot lists, your film's dialogue and your visual elements all in one place. It puts together a road map for how your film will look when it gets into the edit bay and keeps all of your various teams, whether they are on set all together or you are producing the shoot remotely, on the same page throughout production

The Privilege Walk (Game) by DesignComputing is a template to carry out remotely a group activity designed to help players talk about and share their understanding of the impact of systemic privilege.
This activity is useful as an icebreaker and is also valuable for diverse groups to reveal the effects of systemic privilege in an uneven playing field.

During your travels through the magical world of Design Thinking, you've glared through a magic first diamond and, magically, were transported to The Desert of the Unknown !
A 90-120 workshop template that guides a team through interviews with up to ten stakeholders.

Tell us which Miroverse templates inspired you