Has anyone used Miro for their kid's school work?

  • 17 March 2021
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 1

I know that educators frequently use Miro for teaching, but what about students themselves?

Have your kids ever used Miro to do their homework? For example, building a virtual poster instead of a physical one? 


Interested in hearing your stories.

2 replies

My 16 year old uses Miro to prepare for tests. 

For her history test she created a timeline with all the events she had to remember. This was her first Miro-experience. 

See: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lOFSEYc=/ (in Dutch)

This week she used Miro for her philosophy class to connect different philosophers and their ideas.

Userlevel 2

I have introduced Miro to my 14 year old daughter and she keeps using it heavily. Besides the core functions the most powerful are those two features are mostly utilized:

  1. PDF saving
  2. Web sites grabbing

For instance. She is studying French and is keeping all her workbooks in Miro, When you upload pdf to Miro you could create a stack of all the pages extracted and make a logical connections between topics. It’s much more convenient then Evernote, for instance↓

Thus she compiles all together in one place — web and pdf handouts — and she keeps learning from one place instead of jumping back and forth

As far as I know it saves here time dramatically 
