Favorite templates for Educating Employees & Clients?

  • 23 February 2022
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 4
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Hi everyone!

Someone asked me the other day how I’m using Miro to help educate clients and employees. I thought it would be fun to share our favorites here and I can share back to her! Share yours in the comments below 👇


+ Overall Planning: we use Miro's roadmap template to plan department goals & tactics, and overall company process updates by quarter



+ Resource planning: I actually created a template that's available in the Miroverse for planning resources: https://miro.com/miroverse/resourcing/ - we use this every single week as we plan resources for the company!


+ Retrospectives: after a project wraps, we use one of the many retrospective templates to collect feedback and discuss how we can do better moving forward

Here's a project kick off template we use with our retrospective board on there: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_kiDhDnY=/?invite_link_id=261168154223

Here's a little more filled out (with key info removed) retrospective template: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOL1Ig1g=/?invite_link_id=208810232874


+ Workshops: we love using Miro for workshops. We use frames to set an agenda, include an ice breaker (from the vast Miroverse), include any pertinent information, and do collaborative exercises such as sitemap building, user journeys, persona mapping, and moodboard creation

Here's a workshop template we use: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lJwXUzw=/?invite_link_id=924453162264

And here's it a little more filled out (with info removed): https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOL1FPG8=/?invite_link_id=942713782047


+ Brainstorm & ideation: whenever we need to come up with ideas, we'll use Miro to "throw things at the wall and see what sticks." There are a ton of templates to help do this and we've used quite a few. We find Miro is really helpful for this type of work because it helps illuminate all voices in the room, vs. a traditional whiteboard or in-person meeting where groupthink may occur with some more extroverted people

Here's a template we use a lot for brainstorming & ideation: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lGy2k3E=/?invite_link_id=571391139796

2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

@Anna Savina thanks for the kind words on the Resourcing template! I took all of these from the Miroverse, so they all already exist :)


Love these that you shared!! Saving these for future use.

Userlevel 7
Badge +1

@Michelle Murphy woo your Resourcing Template is sooo impressive! I wonder if any of these boards can be turned into Miroverse template as well :) 


As for my favorite templates that really help with day-to-day operations, here they are:
