Dyspraxia and Miro

  • 16 June 2021
  • 3 replies



I recently ran a workshop over Miro, which involved a lot of people putting sticky notes on a matrix. It turn into a beautiful colourful mess, which was exactly what I was looking for. 


However, at the end of the session the host of the workshop told me that someone had sent them a direct message saying that they could not participate because they had dyspraxia and struggled with all the colours and moving parts.


I was therefore wondering if anyone else had experienced this and whether they had any tips to make their Miro boards more inclusive and accommodating to those who have dyspraxia.  

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Hannah James Louwerse - If your colours refenced categories, you could try using Tags instead.

There would be a number of additional benefits in using tags, including:

  1. Exporting the Sticky Notes to CSV - the Tags will be included in a column
  2. Filtering in the board’s search function
  3. Visualize the relationships using the Clusterizer app
Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hey @Hannah James Louwerse, that’s a very interesting case. I’ve had a hearing-impaired participant joining us for a workshop. She love that she was able to contribute and participant with the rest on the Miro board.

Taking a more social approach to your question, if you’re aware of anyone with impairments joining your sessions, best to work on a very measured and detailed social and work agreement at the beginning with everyone. Have everyone understand and communicate around creating an inclusive workspace.

There’s only so much that the Miro tech can do, but if all other participants are abiding to specific behaviours that you request (for example, use one sticky note colour only or work within this very structured space on the board).

Or perhaps get everyone else to agree to a “short time out” at the end of every activity to allow the particular participants to work on their own with no distractions, and then get everyone back for debrief. Again, this would need really detailed workshop planning and that crucial participants’ agreement upfront.

Having said that, the “main culprit” of movement in the Miro boards are typically the cursors, so making sure everyone knows how to turn that off would be really helpful. 

I hope that helps!

Thank you @Isman Tanuri. That is helpful. It gives me something to think about when designing workshops and planning them. 

I did manage to get people to turn their cursors off which did help with the movement. 

Thank you for the tip.
