Creating sticky notes over locked shapes

  • 18 March 2021
  • 6 replies

I often make boards or frames using a picture of a model as a background. I then want participants in my workshop to be able to place sticky notes on the background. But Ik don't want them to move the background itself, so I want to lock it.

The easiest way to work with sticky notes is to right click to insert them. However, this does'nt seem to work over locked objects (except frames). And you can't use the visual as a background to a frame (can you?)


My workaround is to provide a ‘stack of stickies’, but I would prefer people to be able to insert their own. Any ideas on how to do that?

6 replies

Userlevel 7
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@Michiel Ykema -

You can create a frame around an image, group both the objects and then lock them. As far as adding sticky notes goes, why not just have the participants create their own from the left vertical toolbar?


@Michiel Ykema -

You can create a frame around an image, group both the objects and then lock them. As far as adding sticky notes goes, why not just have the participants create their own from the left vertical toolbar?


Tnx for your valid solutions, Kiron!

Point is that many of ‘my’ users prefer creating sticky notes by right clicking where they want them. And to be completely honest… so do I ;-)

It appears to be an intuitive way of working, especially for novice users.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Michiel Ykema -

In that case, I’d recommend adding that as a wish list item - comments are a very common use case which is why they are part of the right-mouse button menu, but sticky notes are probably less so.

You can follow the wish list guidelines here to add the new wish list item: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know 🌠 | Miro


Userlevel 7
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@Michiel Ykema - I have started creating stacks of stickies as often as it makes sense. I find this to be a better user experience overall as the participants are there to contribute their thoughts in written form and not to create sticky notes.

I create one and then quickly make copies using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V,V,V,V,V,V,V,V... and the participants can grab one and enter text. Then I don't have to explain to a single person bjow to create one (only how to enter text). This saves time for everyone.

Once I have more time, I am even going to create my own custom web-plugin that will create duplicate of a selected object "x" number of times and either stack them directly ever each other or staggered ( each one a little down and to the right).

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Michiel Ykema - I was playing around a bit and found that using the existing N hotkey to create a new sicky note appears to work in all scenarios and is actually just as quick--if not quicker--than the right click → Add sticky note action.

If you press the N key and then left-click, you have a sticky on the board and in edit mode.

In this example, the Add sticky note option is not present when right-clicking on a locked object, but N + left-click works:


Thanks Robert, great tip! I will use it myself from now on. Hopefully it'll work for novices to the board as well once they get used to it.
