Hey @Michelle Murphy! I really wanted to join Friday’s session but couldn’t make it due to family obligations. 
I shared this in a similar thread in the Designing Experiences in Miro group:
One question I often use that might be considered a sort of icebreaker is this one:
Do you prefer odd or even numbers?
It's even become tradition when new people are hired in my department to ask this particular question when they are introduced to the group during our weekly check-ins! It's quirky and unexpected, but not silly or pointless. And it's very interesting to hear why people choose one or the other! It always sparks some sort of semi-philosophical discussion. 
@Henrik Ståhl -
Another such question is “Pineapple on a pizza - yes or no?”
@Kiron Bondale I think that question is waaay too obvious. I mean, the only correct answer is YES OF COURSE! 

(Although I actually prefer banana on pizza, if I have to choose)
BANANA ON PIZZA?!??!?! Is this real?!?!? I need to try this if so!
@Michelle Murphy It is very much real! In Sweden, there's a classic pizza called Hawaii – it has both banana and pineapple… My favorite pizza has banana and shrimps. 
Wow I need to try this! I love bananas, I love pizza, and I love shrimp - so sounds like a good thing to try!
@Michelle Murphy You won't regret it! And then you can rephrase @Kiron Bondale’s icebreaker question to:
“What do you prefer on your pizza: Pineapple or banana?"