You're Invited! Join our virtual event & learn more about Miro's community developments - Leave us your questions/feedback!

  • 20 April 2020
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 4

Hi Everyone!

Myself and Miro’s first official North American User Leader, @Jonathan White, are hosting a virtual event on Miro User Groups: Insights and introduction into our User Led Events & Community Management.

We invite and encourage all of our awesome community members to join, April 29th 4pm PST! We’ll be doing a deep dive on our roadmap, mission, and other exciting developments for our events and user leader program. 

You can RSVP and learn more about the event here!

Ahead of the event, we wanted to gather any and all questions and feedback you may have on what you’d like from our community events as we continue to scale our program. 

  • What kind of events would you like to see (workshops, demos, presentations, AMAs)?
  • What kind of speakers would you like to hear from (agile coaches, product developers, designers, etc)?
  • Overall, what would you most like to take from a virtual event (knowledge sharing, networking, etc)?

Jon and I are hoping to spotlight some of your questions and feedback at our event, so any critiques and ideas -- are welcomed and very appreciated.  You can leave your questions/feedback as a reply to this thread or email me directly at

Hope to “see” you there! 



Community Events Coordinator

1 reply

Userlevel 5

Dear @Natalie Larino and @Jonathan White, once again, great job last week on the event.

Looking forward to the next ones :)
