Give your ideas a head start with this Agile technique on February 6th

  • 27 January 2023
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Learn how to work iteratively from the very start of an idea with Agile expert, Richard Lawrence’s and Peter Green’s new technique — Feature Mining. Feature Mining lets teams find early slices of any big idea to deliver value, find learnings, and mitigate risks. You can ship an idea in just one or two sprints with Feature Mining — even for ideas with seemingly large upfront costs.


Richard Lawrence, Agile Trainer & Coach, Founder, Humanizing Work & Peter Green, Co-Founder, Humanizing Work


Outcomes you can expect after learning this technique: 


  • Use Feature Mining to find an early slice of a big idea to get quick value, learning, and/or risk mitigation

  • Understand how to bring Feature Mining back to your team

  • Explain how different roles (PO, UX, developers, testers, etc.) are critical to effective slicing and how each contributes in Feature Mining


Grab your seat for Start From Zero With Feature Mining on February 6 at 12 pm EST and get an opportunity to ask questions and engage with our Agile expert guest speakers. Register here.


Can’t make it? No worries! If you register you can get a recording sent to you after the session.

And there’s more: This webinar is the first in a series produced in partnership with Applied Frameworks, where Agile experts spotlight what’s new in Agile to inspire and educate. We can’t wait to see you there!

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