Web SDK Quickstart not working

  • 20 June 2022
  • 6 replies

I have very basic programming skills and I'm struggling to even get started with Miro Web SDK. I'm trying to follow the quickstart guide: https://developers.miro.com/docs/try-out-the-web-sdk and having the following problems:


First, I'm getting a completely different output when I enter "miro.board" into the developer console. According to the documentation, I’m supposed to get:

N {ui:W, viewport: X, getIdToken: f, getAppData: f, setAppData: f}

But instead I’m getting:

{getOnlineUsers: ƒ, __getParamsFromURL: ƒ, __disableLeftClickOnCanvas: ƒ, __enableLeftClickOnCanvas: ƒ, getAllObjects: ƒ, …}


Then, when I enter the example code for creating a shape item:

const shape = await miro.board.createShape({

   content: '<p>This is a very yellow star shape.</p>',

   shape: 'star',

   style: {

     fillColor: '#FEFF45',


   x: 3000,

   y: 4500,

   width: 280,

   height: 280,


I get an error message

Uncaught TypeError: miro.board.createShape is not a function at <anonymous>:1:32


What am I missing?

6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Hi @Penninah Jones,


Thanks for raising this issue. We have deployed a fix that hopefully should solve it. Can you please try and let us know if it works?



Hi @Anthony Roux,

when I enter the example code, it now returns “undefined” and I get the following error message:

POST https://s.realtimeboard.com/api/11/envelope/?sentry_key=9b14e87a42e849f49910cbe634327f35&sentry_version=7 403

Now it works!

Hi @Penninah Jones,


Thanks for raising this issue. We have deployed a fix that hopefully should solve it. Can you please try and let us know if it works?



My board has same error msg when loading. POST https://s.realtimeboard.com/api/11/envelope/?sentry_key=9b14e87a42e849f49910cbe634327f35&sentry_version=7 403 

And it causes no one can edit a frame in the board. Is it really fixed?

Userlevel 5

Hey @Jacky Ye,


I also see this error in my board, but I believe this is unrelated to the original issue. Additionally, I am still able to interact and edit boards after seeing this error. 

Can you try to refresh your board and see if that helps? If not, I would recommend posting this issue in our support center https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us

Hey @Jacky Ye,


I also see this error in my board, but I believe this is unrelated to the original issue. Additionally, I am still able to interact and edit boards after seeing this error. 

Can you try to refresh your board and see if that helps? If not, I would recommend posting this issue in our support center https://help.miro.com/hc/en-us

I have submit a request. Our teammates met the issue too. Seems every one can not edit that frame, and other frames are ok.
