I am having some problems with `miro.board.ui.initDraggableItemsContainer()` which I’ve demostrated in an example plugin:
GitHub Repository
- https://miro.com/oauth/authorize/?response_type=code&client_id=3074457367895912476&redirect_uri=%2Fconfirm-app-install%2F
- https://marijn.github.io/miro-draggable-plugin-failure/miro.html
- https://marijn.github.io/miro-draggable-plugin-failure/library.html
Steps to reproduce
- Install the plugin
- Create a new board
- Click on the three dots (···) in the library toolbar on the left
- Scroll down in the library panel that opens, click on the link “
- Drag any of the items onto the canvas
What I expect
A preview of the selected element should show that includes the text of the element that is being dragged (e.g. “Please drag me (A)”).
What happens instead
Only the color shows. The text does not get rendered. Additionally the positioning is very weird when the width and height of the image are returned as part of the preview URI (see https://github.com/marijn/miro-draggable-plugin-failure/commit/c89c57a06e2d628fb413e49adc4eedc0b56141b4). Providing the encoding results in no preview at all (see https://github.com/marijn/miro-draggable-plugin-failure/commit/2883280a96c85d23ff960d35269537733d1ff59d)
What is going on here? Any tips? Or is this a bug?
Cheers, Marijn