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I am using REST API to retrieve the cards on a miro board with

my board contains a significant number of items (>100) and i am using the cursor feature to fetch all of them.

For an unknown reason some cards are returned with a geometry and position object and some other cards are lacking this information. I have been unable to determine what drives this change in the API behaviour as all cards seems similar when looking at the board web page.


When i try to retrieve these items individually with 

I have exactly the same problem (no position or geometry data in the reply)


This looks like a bug to me but if there is something i am doing wrong thanks to advise

Hi ​@ehubin,

Thanks for reaching out about this.

Is it possible that, in the instances where you’re not seeing the card geometry/position details being returned, the cards are contained within another item like a kanban, table, etc?

In these cases, I believe it’s expected behavior for cards that are contained within unsupported items that they may not return all details.

However, if you’re seeing this issue where geometry and position fields are not returned by the REST API for cards that are standalone, this would likely be a bug. Let me know if you can share any more details, or if it might be the case that these cards are contained within unsupported items. 


Hello William,


Thx for the prompt reply.

I did a bit of testing and indeed the absence of position and geometry data is related to the cards overlapping with a table.

So i have 2 questions for you

1; Are you considering to add support for tables in the rest API soon . that would be ideal for me

2. If not could you at least consider sending the position andd geometry info for all items regardless of their overlapping situation with tables or other unsupported items?

Thx in advance for your inputs on the above

