Miro boards API pagination does not seem accurate


Hello, we are trying to extract boards data form the boards API. We are using the limit + offset pagination, but are seeing discrepencies with the number of records returned by each call.

We set the limit to 50, but the number of rows returned can be lower than 50. Sometimes 47 or 42. To be clear, this is not the last page of the offset, so the number of records should be 50. Is this a bug on the API pagination?

Thanks for your help,


2 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Hi @Simon Bergeron, could you share the endpoint that you’re using for getting board data?

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Hi Simon, we did notice that some endpoints return incomplete pages and are working on fixing this.

In the meantime, as a short-term solution, I’d suggest using the actual number of the boards in the response to calculate the offset for the next page. This might cause some boards to be listed twice, but will prevent skipping over some boards while iterating over pages.
