
Mass Copy Board

  • 27 March 2024
  • 4 replies

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I have been testing the API functionality, specifically mass-copying a board to multiple Miro Teams.  However, I can’t seem to get this working properly. Please note that I am new to json and rest api, so I may be getting the syntax wrong.

For example, using the copy_from parameter, the body looks something like this:    

"boards": {
"board": [
"policy": {
"sharingPolicy": {
"teamAccess": "edit",
"inviteToAccountAndBoardLinkAccess": "editor"
"teamId": "3458764577105192620",
"name": "Test 0"
"policy": {
"sharingPolicy": {
"teamAccess": "edit",
"inviteToAccountAndBoardLinkAccess": "editor"
"teamId": "3458764577105192620",
"name": "Test 1"

For some reason, running the above creates a copy of a board named “copy of original board name” and places it in DevTeam instead of the two teams denoted in the teamID above, which is not DevTeam.

Not sure what I am doing wrong - can someone point me in the right direction?



4 replies

Userlevel 4
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From the Copy Board endpoint  I was able to successfully copy a board into a non-developer team. (I copied the board from a developer team). 

What I did was pass in `copy from` which should just be board which I want to copy. Then the name (just wrote test), and then the teamId. Which is just the teamId of where I want the board to be copied to. Then just clicked on “try it”. (Note I deleted my access token). 

But I suggest that you try it via the docs, and then after it works, you can just copy the code by selecting the language you want. 

Does this solve your issue @mHazim ?

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From the Copy Board endpoint  I was able to successfully copy a board into a non-developer team. (I copied the board from a developer team). 

What I did was pass in `copy from` which should just be board which I want to copy. Then the name (just wrote test), and then the teamId. Which is just the teamId of where I want the board to be copied to. Then just clicked on “try it”. (Note I deleted my access token). 

But I suggest that you try it via the docs, and then after it works, you can just copy the code by selecting the language you want. 

Does this solve your issue @mHazim ?

Thank you so much for your response. I am currently able to copy one board at a time, as you described above. My issue is that I don’t know what the proper syntax is to be able to copy to multiple teams in one call via Postman. In my sample code, I am copying to the same team as a test, but the boards should have different names (Test 1 and Test 2) if successful. 

Userlevel 4
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Hi @mHazim 

I understand your concern. Unfortunately, we don't currently support copying a board to two different teams in a single api call. You will have to make two separate requests here.


This is a great suggestion and I will bring it to our team. Please let me know if you have any further questions. 

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Hi @mHazim 

I understand your concern. Unfortunately, we don't currently support copying a board to two different teams in a single api call. You will have to make two separate requests here.


This is a great suggestion and I will bring it to our team. Please let me know if you have any further questions. 

Thank you for the reply and clarification. I look forward to seeing this get implemented in the future!
