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Issue with uploading app icon

  • 17 July 2022
  • 3 replies

I have been trying to upload my new app icons (which I believe follow Miro’s App Icon guiddelines, but have been getting an error of “Error while parsing svg file: $cvc-complex-type.4: Attribute 'type' must appear  on element 'style'.”. 


Any clue how I could go about resolving this?


Hey @Joseph Low ,

Sorry to see this, its a new bug to me (and i’ve created the upload!).


If i read the error im assuming your file has a inline `<style>` tag. Can you try adding type="text/css" to the style tag? Otherwise: Could you share the SVG file thats giving you this error? And is it caused by the outline or color version?



Hey @Mettin that seemed to have fixed the problem and I can now update the icons. Thank you very much!!

Good to hear @Joseph Low!

Mini tip: You can also minify your svg using SVGOMG, which will inline your styles too.
