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How to get email address of non_team role member via the API

  • 21 May 2020
  • 1 reply

I'm using the api to query user member and non_team member information.  I'm trying to get the email address of a non_team member.


I use$teamID/user-connections  to get a list of all users. 


I then call$userId using the userID from the Team User Connection Object.



When I call the users endpoint for a user in the "non_team" role, I get a 404 not found. 



How do I programmatically get the email address of non_team_members?


If this is not possible, is it on the product roadmap and when is it scheduled for release?



Hi Richard,


This is not currently possible through APIs and we have no plans to offer it in the future, simply because it violates the privacy. Since the external user is not part of your team, you should not be able to retrieve all the information about the user through the API.


Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!
