[Enterprise] Is there any way to batch upload user profile pictures when Azure AD provisioning is enabled?

  • 18 February 2021
  • 2 replies

Is there any way to batch upload user profile pictures when Azure AD provisioning is enabled?

I could not find any SCIM options to do this. 

I could not find out, how to upload pictures using side scripts. I found there is API for uploading pictures, but it requires Miro’s internal user id. And there is no API to get Miro’s users ids for my enterprise.

Need assistance. 

2 replies

Userlevel 4

Hello Alexey,


Regarding SCIM, accessing user profile pictures is not available at the moment. It is a feature that is currently in development and will be available in the future. Unfortunately, I cannot give an estimated timeline for this.


If you install an app in a team, you should be able to make a REST API request to get all the team members (and their ids) with:

The user ids are included in the “user” objects in the response.


With the user id, you should be able to make the REST API request to https://api.miro.com/v1/users/<USER_ID>/picture  to create/update the user pictures:



I hope this helps.


Kind regards.





@Daniela Gavidia  
Is there any way to get list of all Teams’ IDs for my enterprise ? 

https://api.miro.com/v1/teams/<ID>/user-connections requires some kind of ID I’d like to automate. 

Or maybe there is any way to get all users’ IDs for my enterprise ? 
