Hi @Yushin,
Thanks for reaching out! I’ve just tested this endpoint with tags on both sticky notes and cards, and I haven’t been able to reproduce this. I’ve tested with a cURL request, from Postman, and in our docs directly, but I don’t see any 500 errors.
How are you sending the request? Have you tried copying sample code directly from our docs into your script or app? 500 errors can sometimes be misleading, I might suggest double checking your ids, params, etc. and make sure there’s nothing in your code that could be affecting the request since it’s working from the embedded request sandbox in our docs.
@William Bishop Thank you for your response.
Upon further investigation, I’ve identified that the issue is likely caused by sending a large number of simultaneous requests to the Miro API at once.
In this case, I was using Axios in a Node application to send requests for multiple items’ tag information via the map() API. However, since I was processing hundreds of items concurrently in asynchronous operations, it appears that the Miro API was overwhelmed by the volume of requests, resulting in the 500 errors.
According to Miro’s rate-limiting documentation, exceeding the rate limit should typically return a 429 status code. However, in this situation, there was no rate limit credit exhaustion. I suspect the error was simply due to the excessive load within a very short timeframe.