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If I have sensitive data on my boards, that according to GDPR is not admitted to be transferred to the U.S. can I still use miro after its update of terms on September 1, 2021?

Te new terms include:

  • Added detail on international data transfers, including you consent to transfer data to the United States to provide the Services.
  • Added details regarding ongoing compliance with Privacy Shield, including clarification that Miro does not rely on Privacy Shield as a mechanism to transfer data to the United States.

What, if I do not give my consent to those data transfers?

@Wolfgang Reimesch -

I’d recommend opening a Miro support request for this as it should be addressed via a Miro staff member: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center


Miro sent me a mail about its policy updates and mentioned to adress any questions to

I send the request three times to that adress and still got no answer.

How long should I wait for this, since Semptemper is coming closer, and I have to make a decision?

Thank you for your support, miro has answered and I understand that it took them some time, since that matter is quite complicated at current time.

Since I am a Software Architect and also teaching courses in that matter, I have to clarify such questions for me with the same diligence that I teach to my students.

And what is the answer to the question? Is Miro complaint with EU regulations?

We use Miro to support workshops with a client of ours. Their legal department just told us they can no longer allow the use of Miro, as it is not GDPR compliant. This is of course a major concern, as it blocks us from delivering our workshop services.

I think it is somewhat a strange situation to see that companies step back from using miro due to a lack of GDPR compliance, while miro itself claims it does fully support the law situation.

I will miss miro and  I wish itself miro would take this situation a bit more serious.


Hi ​@Mort, ​@Henk Vandenbroucke, ​@adadadcadc,


Thank you for bringing up this important topic regarding GDPR compliance.


Miro takes data privacy and security very seriously and is fully committed to complying with GDPR. For any legal or compliance-related concerns, I recommend reaching out to Miro Support directly. They can provide the most accurate and detailed answers tailored to your specific situation.


You can submit a request here: Miro Support & Help Center


Additionally, Miro’s Trust & Security page (link) provides helpful resources, including detailed information about their compliance with GDPR and other data privacy regulations.


If you have any other questions or need further assistance navigating this, let me know—I’m happy to help!
