visual glitches in miro (all browsers and app)

  • 23 November 2022
  • 1 reply


Hello, please help:) A month ago Miro in chrome browser started glitching. Okay, I switched to opera. Everything was okay for a while, but then... It started happening the other way around: in chrome everything is okay, in opera - not at all. 

Okay, I tried app.


And now it's not working ANYWHERE. I tried Firefox, but I can only see my boards, to edit them I need to go to the app and it is glitching. :( 

I really need Miro for work, I like it, but now it's almost impossible to use. Only from the phone. But if you have tried working with boards using your phone, you probably know how torturous it is. 

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Angelina Kofman -

Can you provide more details of the “glitching”? Ideally, if you can post a Loom video when this behavior is happening that would be helpful…

