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I want to add a Word document to my Miro Board. When I go to the left toolbar it is not an option. I clicked the more tools button as outlined in the Help pages. It is not available in the newly opened App’s box. 

This happens on all of my boards. Is this feature not available with the Free account? It does not state it anywhere in the Pricing comparisons or the help pages. 

@Mary Lou Bolas - Try using the down chevrons/arrows vs. the “more tools”. I have raised this with Miro before as a poor user experience. “More tools” should show all tools.


GIF of this in action - if an app/icon is not visible, I have to scroll down - I would expect to also see it if I used the more tools action:


Excellent thanks, I got it with More Tools :)

You’re welcome :)

If upload is typical action you are completing, you can

  1. drag the upload icon from more tools to the vertical toolbar where it is more visible
  2. drag-and-drop files from your desktop onto the Miro board.

Hey there, I don’t have upload available when I scroll further down nor if I try add tools, it’s not in the list of options. Has this changed or is there something up with my board? I have the paid starter plan. -Emily

@Emily Knight - Does the board exist in the Starter Plan space? I ask beause one reason why you may not have the upload button as you are accessing a board as a Visitor, i.e., a board that someone set the Anyone with the link access:


What do you see when you open the board and click on the board name, e.g., as a Visitor you would not see the board owner or team name:


Oh interesting, I went to your link and it’s there now (as well as for my other boards). So I guess I was accessing it as a guest. Thanks! 
