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Доска на бесплатном тарифе удалена. У автора платы нет возможности восстановить плату. Связь: 


Скрин от автора: 


Hi Djabrail, 

Thanks for reaching out! My apologies, but I am only able to provide support in English at this time. 

Please see our Help Center article: How to restore a deleted board for more information on how you can restore boards that have been deleted. If you’re receiving this error, it’s possible that the board URL is incorrect that you’ve entered, so please be sure to double-check it. 

If you need further assistance, I’d encourage you to create a support ticket and we will be happy to help you out with your specific situation. Thank you! 

Доброе утро. Случайно удалила серию досок. Пробовала восстановить как в видео, но у меня нет кнопки "restore the board". Прочла что можно попросить администратора восстановить доски.

Hi @Anastasia111,

If you see the following message, it means that the board was deleted less than 30 days ago, hence can be restored, but you aren't its owner

If you are confident that you are the owner, please ensure you are signed in under the right Miro profile (in case you have a few). 

However, if you see the following message, it means the board was deleted over 30 days ago or together with the team where it's been located and, therefore, can't be restored


Здравствуйте. Исчезла доска с уроками. На доске надпись

Где открыть корзину, чтобы отменить удаление и восстановить доску?

Good afternoon. Please help, deleted a few boards from my account, please help to restore.


Здравствуйте. Для восстановления доски (это можно сделать до 30 дней после удаления), надо пройти по своей ссылке на эту доску. 

В открывшемся окошке надо нажать на текст 
Would you like to restore the board?

Dear Support Team,

Good day. While deleting a team, all my boards associated with it were also deleted. I kindly request your assistance in restoring these boards.


