"This board is no longer shared, or has been removed" error


I am trying to recover this board: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lR6hXvU=/ but unfortunately it seems as if it has been removed or sharing access has been removed. I am the original owner of this board, so I am unsure how this happened. Could you please help me recover this?

Thanks a lot!


4 replies

Same issue for me on this board : https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/WklkNjZwdEJ6Y1BYYW9oUUhJck1Kc3NPcWV4a0xUNEdnZk1rdHpUWlo3bHdBb3NxV0xLeDJheW5SUnBOcWhTS3wzMDc0NDU3MzQ2MTY4OTUwMzUyfDI=?share_link_id=134327960456 can someone help? This is super frustrating since this was the summary of an important meeting :/ 

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

The common scenario here is that users were invited to edit boards in a Free Plan team, then they create their own boards in that team, and then an owner/Admin of that team deletes you from the team.

@Celine Haentzler - I would suggest reaching out to the meeting organizer (or whomever sent out a like to the board) and ask them for access to the board (or at least a PDF export of the board).

Here is a post I have been working on that may help you figure out what may have happened:



Thank you so much for your answer @Robert Johnson, the thing is that I am the one who sent the link to the board so not sure who I can reach out to?

Thanks for your help 🙏

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Thank you so much for your answer @Robert Johnson, the thing is that I am the one who sent the link to the board so not sure who I can reach out to?

Thanks for your help 🙏

If you originally created the board (using the create/new board action) that you sent you sent the link out for, but can no longer find it in your Miro dashboard or access it, then it is most likely that someone deleted you from the team where you created the board in the first place.

At this time, you would need to really think back to which team workspace you may have created that board in and reach out to others on that team, asking for an admin to add you back tot he team.

You could also

  • look in all of your team workspaces to see if there is a Trash bin and if you can find the board there - team spaces are:

    Trash bin would be here (but not on Free Plan teams):

  • Search any teams that you are still a member of for the board name
  • Try searching your emails for an invite to the team that you may have created the board in, e.g., search your emails for ‘miro.com’ and ‘has invited you to edit on a board in Miro’
