Text box indentation goes away when not selected

  • 10 November 2022
  • 5 replies

This is the indentation I want. It shows up this way when the box is selected.
When the box isn’t selected, the indentation gets flattened.

I’m having an issue with text boxes and indentation. I’m trying to represent some pseudo-code, so indentation is really important for readability. 

  • One issue is that when I copy/paste indented text from a code IDE, my indentation gets lost in Miro. I have to manually re-indent everything with the space bar.
  • The second and more important issue is that the indentation only seems to show up when the text box is selected. If I deselect the text box, the indentation goes away. 

5 replies

Windows 11 Home, and I’m using Miro with the Chrome browser. 


Yes, I’m using a Shape object. Oh I see, if I use a Text object the indentation works as expected! I guess I’ll just do that then, thank you!

Is there a way to retain that gutter around the text that I get using a Shape? With the Text box, the background only goes to the very bounds of the text itself. Not a huge deal, but the text looks better sitting in the Shape object.


(Appreciate the quick reply, by the way!)

I have the same issue, using Miro in Chrome Browser.
Is there a fix for this?

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Pat Kemp - Can you please confirm a few things:

  1. OS - What OS are you using? E.g., Mac, Windows and what version?
  2. Browser - Are you using a browser, and if so, which one?
  3. Desktop App - Or are you using the Miro desktop app? 
  4. Object Type - From your screenshot, it looks like you have a border on the object with the text? If so, the current Text object does not have borders, so I would believe it to be a Shape object. Can you confirm which one you are using? You can determine which one by the options you see when the object is selected:


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Pat Kemp - Glad to hear you got it working with a Text object.

As for the padding, unfortunatley there is no way to adjust it. A workaround would be to put the text object inside a shape.
