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Dear coummunity,
I am a teacher at a vocational college and until now I worked alone in the miro environment. Since digitalisation has become a bigger topic in the education sector I wish that my students could collaborate by using miro.
My school got MS teams and beside "Moodle" (don't know if you know that) this is our main tool.
I tried to integrate miro into Teams and with an online tutorial it worked well.
But at this point I got a problem:
When I provide a board in teams, the users in this specific channel only got the permission to watch but not to edit.
When I unsterstand it right, for editing the board the users must have a miro account.
But that's exactly my problem because in our school/in our education system it's not allowed that the students use an account where the servers are not hosted in my country - Germany.
I really want to use miro with the students but is there any possibilty for me to allow editing by the students in MS Teams WITHOUT creating a miro account?
Thank you for your help in advance!!!
Kind regards
Stephan Kutsch

@Stephan Kutsch :

Hallo Stephan,

Du kannst Miro im anonymus Guest Editor mode nutzen:

Deine Schüler erhalten von Dir in Teams den Link zum passwortgeschützen Board und sind dann direkt in der Lage das Board zu bearbeiten und Dinge zu ändern.

Somit muss sich keiner bei miro anmelden oder registrieren.

Viele Grüße



Hallo Michael,

vielen Dank für die SUPER SCHNELLE Antwort!!!

Das probier ich gerne aus…

Viele Grüße

