Restore board deleted user

Hi community!

I deleted an old user, which also led to deletion of his boards. We're on the Free plan.
We still have the URL, screenshot shown below.

I found and

For our team, and myself (Admin) there is no trash can showing (screenshot).
As far as I know, the his old boards were transferred to me. 



5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Pim - Glad to hear you found your board.

To clarify, the Trash bin is not available on the Free Plan:

@Robert Johnson I'm eternally grateful! Deleting all members didn't show the trash can, but when going to the url I could restore <3<3

You saved me ~6 hours of work. Thanks 100!


Userlevel 7
Badge +12

You can test the trash can by creating a test board, saving the link/URL, deleting the board, and then try to restore it.

If that works, another option is to delete those on vacation from the team (and choosing yourself as the new owner as you do, and not deleting their content), and then immediately add those members back (there is an "Invite new members" link from the Users page. Now they will still be teembers, but you will own all of their content and could try to restore the board you have been looking for.

Hi Robert!
Thanks for the response.
Indeed I was prompted to choose. Sadly, I was trigger happy. I'm quite sure I selected myself, but not 100%.
Is there a way to check this? 

I'll ask everyone to check. Not very hopeful though, half of the people is on holiday 😥


Do you think the missing trash can is a buggy situation?

Thanks again!

Userlevel 7
Badge +12


"As far as I know, the his old boards were transferred to me."

During the member removal process, you should been promoted to choose a new owner:

Did you see this prompt and choose yourself?

Your other option is to ask every team member to try to open the board, asking them to look for a "restore" action, like so:

