[RESOLVED] I can't type on the board

I’ve been trying to type on my dashboard, every letter I write is erased and even if I try to edit an exit text I get erased

Marina 3 years ago

Hi everyone,

This behavior indeed was caused by the Google Translate extension. Now the team has fixed the issue, and everything should work as expected.

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16 replies

Erro em Escrever nos post-it, não deixa escrever

No navegador google chrome que utilizo na rotina não deixa escrever, se utilizo outro navegador, ou abro uma guia anonima no mesmo google chrome ele deixa escrever.

Hola, alguien me ayuda, no puedo escribir en el tablero, las letras desaparecen al tipearrlas.

when I type something on the board it is automatically deleted.
Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@ALURA ALFONSO COLMENARES - In this example, I am taking four steps from the Chrome browser:

  1. Clicking on the Text tool
  2. clicking on a blank/empty spot on the board
  3. typing some text
  4. click on a blank spot on the board, to get out of “edit” mode in the text object.

Does your text disappear

  • right after typing?
  • after clicking away from the text object?

If you are using a browser, have you tried disabling an browser extensions?


Yo tengo el mismo problema, se me hace que es un bug. 

También intento editar otros textos que ya están en el tablero, pero si lo hago pierdo todo lo que ya estaba escrito.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

How are you using Miro? If a browser, which one? (Edge, Chrome, Safari, etc.).

Are you using a Miro desktop app?

Or on a tablet? If so, iPad or Android?

Are you using a Miro on a phone? If so, iPhone or an android phone?

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Have you reported this to Miro support?

no puedo escribir en mi pizarra cada vez que escribo se borra en automatico

How are you using Miro? If a browser, which one? (Edge, Chrome, Safari, etc.).

Are you using a Miro desktop app?

Or on a tablet? If so, iPad or Android?

Are you using a Miro on a phone? If so, iPhone or an android phone?

Utilizo o Chrome e está acontecendo o erro

Descobri a resolução do erro

Ao utilizar o Google Translate do navegador Chrome a ferramenta apaga o que está tentando escrever no post-it ou na caixa de texto, para que o erro não aconteça deve tirar a opção de traduzir a página.

Estou com o mesmo problema, como resolver?




Descobri a resolução do erro

Ao utilizar o Google Translate do navegador Chrome a ferramenta apaga o que está tentando escrever no post-it ou na caixa de texto, para que o erro não aconteça deve tirar a opção de traduzir a página.



@ALURA ALFONSO COLMENARES - In this example, I am taking four steps from the Chrome browser:

  1. Clicking on the Text tool
  2. clicking on a blank/empty spot on the board
  3. typing some text
  4. click on a blank spot on the board, to get out of “edit” mode in the text object.

Does your text disappear

  • right after typing?
  • after clicking away from the text object?

If you are using a browser, have you tried disabling an browser extensions?


gracias! ahora si puedo escribir!


If you are using a browser, have you tried disabling browser extensions?


Thank you so much, disabling my extensions actually works. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi everyone,

This behavior indeed was caused by the Google Translate extension. Now the team has fixed the issue, and everything should work as expected.